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Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. Why is one mission statement better than another? Using Campbells questions in Strategy Highlight 1.2 as

Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. Why is one mission statement better than another? Using Campbellā€™s questions in Strategy Highlight 1.2 as a starting point, develop criteria for evaluating any mission statement. Then do one or both of the following exercises:
1. Evaluate the following mission statement of Celestial Seasonings. How many points would Campbell give it? Our mission is to grow and dominate the U.S. specialty tea market by exceeding consumer expectations with the best tasting, 100% natural hot and iced teas, packaged with Celestial art and philosophy, creating the most valued tea experience. Through leadership, innovation, focus, and teamwork, we are dedicated to continuously improving value to our consumers, customers, employees, and stakeholders with a quality-first organization.
2. Using the Internet, find the mission statements of three different organizations, which can be business or not-for profit. Which mission statement is best? Why?

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1 This is a good example of a mission statement Even if someone had never heard of Celestial Seasoni... blur-text-image
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