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Pesarchick & Company is an architectural firm specializing in home remodeling for private clients and new office buildings for corporate clients. Pesarchick charges customers at

Pesarchick & Company is an architectural firm specializing in home remodeling for private clients and new office buildings for corporate clients.
Pesarchick charges customers at a billing rate equal to 120% of the client's total job cost. A client's total job cost is a combination of (1) professional time spent on the client ($63 per hour cost of employing each professional) and (2) operating overhead allocated to the client's job. Pesarchick allocates operating overhead to jobs based on professional hours spent on the job. Pesarchick estimates its five professionals will incur a total of 10,000 professional hours working on client jobs during the year.
All operating costs other than professional salaries (travel reimbursements, copy costs, secretarial salaries, office lease, and so forth) can be assigned to the three activities. Total activity costs, cost drivers, and total usage of those cost drivers are estimated as follows:
Pesarchick & Company is an architectural firm specializing in home

Lillian Yu hired Pesarchick to design her kitchen remodeling. A total of 27 professional hours were incurred on this job. In addition, Yu's remodeling job required one of the professionals to travel back and forth to her house for a total of 120 miles. The blueprints had to be copied four times because Yu changed the plans several times. In addition, 22 hours of secretarial time were used lining up the subcontractors for the job.
1. Calculate the current indirect cost allocation rate per professional hour.
2. Calculate the amount that would be billed to Lillian Yu given the current costing structure.
3. Calculate the activity cost allocation rates that could be used to allocate operating overhead costs to client jobs.
4. Calculate the amount that would be billed to Lillian Yu using ABC costing.
5. Which type of billing system is more fair to clients? Explain.

Total Activity Cost Total Usage tal Usage by Corporate by Private Activity Cost Driver Clients Clients 10,500 miles 600 copies 2,900 secretarial Office support. . . . . . . 186,000 Secretarial time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 secretarial . . . . . hours hours

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Req 1 Operating overhead Total professional hours Current operating overhead allocation rate 233500 ... blur-text-image
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