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The smart grid is not simply a unit entity but consist of multiple networks and multiple power generation sources along with multiple operators employing changeable
The smart grid is not simply a unit entity but consist of multiple networks and multiple power generation sources along with multiple operators employing changeable levels of communication and management, most of them are manually controlled. This stat of the art technology enhanced the automation, connectivity and coordination between these suppliers’ and end users and networks that execute either local distribution tasks or long distance transmission.
In the modern era with advanced technology power grid is confined and faces new challenges that put at risk its ability to reliably deliver power to an economy that is increasingly dependent on electricity. This will lead to recognize the need to modernize the grid to meet future challenges has found articulation in the idea of a Smart Grid. The core of this idea is completely automated power delivery setup that can make sure a two-way flow of electricity and information between the power plants and appliances and all points in between. The basic and fundamental point elements of the Smart Grid are automated control systems distributed intelligence and broadband communications.
Total Words : 2866
Smart grid basic mechanism
Self maintenance
End user involvement
Defend faults
Extreme quality power
Generation opportunities
Allow electricity market
Optimize positive features
Load modification
Command reply support
Better flexibility to loading
Transference of power
Price indication to end users
Advance metering
Data Management
Total Words : 2866
Table of contents
Smart grid basic mechanism
Self maintenance
End user involvement
Defend faults
Extreme quality power
Generation opportunities
Allow electricity market
Optimize positive features
Load modification
Command reply support
Better flexibility to loading
Transference of power
Price indication to end users
Advance metering
Data Management
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SMART GRID TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract1 Introduction2 Smart grid basic mechanism3 Self maintenance4 End user involvement5 Defend faults6 Extreme quality power7 Generation opportunities8 Allow electrici...
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