Ethics. Teamwork. Technology. Read the scenario below; partner with a classmate to discuss the ethical questions following the scenario.Working together, write an e-mail to your
Ethics. Teamwork. Technology. Read the scenario below; partner with a classmate to discuss the ethical questions following the scenario.Working together, write an e-mail to your instructor explaining your thoughts about the ethics of the situation described in the scenario and what, if anything, Jason should do differently. (Objective 3)
Jason had searched for a job as a management trainee for the last three months since his graduation from a business administration program in the local community college.He had been interviewed for three positions but had received no job offers.He was beginning to feel desperate and decided that he had to do something to improve his chances for hiring.He had worked part time as a pizza delivery person while going to school but was fired from that position when he wrecked the delivery vehicle and was charged with reckless driving. He had included this position on his résumé. When asked in the interview about his reason for leaving the position, he just said that he left because the pay was insufficient and that his supervisor was prejudiced against him because of his age—he was only 17 at the time.
a. Is there any part of the above scenario that raises an ethical question? If so, what is it and what is the concern?
b. Explain whether you believe this experience item on his résumé could be a reason for Jason’s lack of job offers. If so, should he remove it from his résumé or take a different action?
c. What advice would you give Jason that might eliminate any ethical concerns and improve his chances for a job offer?
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