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effective project management traditional agile extreme hybrid
Questions and Answers of
Effective Project Management Traditional Agile Extreme Hybrid
Can you design a research proposal setting out a review of existing literature, a method based around primary or secondary data collection, and proposed outcomes?
What gaps are there in current professional and/ or higher education training and publications?
What gaps have you identified in current scholarly literature?
What interests you in project management?
What other questions can you add to those above?
How do clients appraise deliverables on completion? What features or characteristics do they look for in a translation?
How do clients select LSPs and what factors inform their decision- making?
Among the three main project management constraints – cost, time, quality – which takes precedence for clients?
How much do clients really know about translation?
What is the project manager’s ethical responsibility in relation to the various agents with which they work?
How do project managers decide which vendor to assign a task to?
What is the workflow surrounding translation test assessment?
How do project managers (or vendor managers) recruit new vendors?What traits, characteristics, qualifications, and credentials do they look for?
What is the professional status and prestige not only of translators,interpreters, etc., but of the translation industry more widely, including project managers?
What is the future of crowdsourced and/ or non- professional translation and where does it fit into the common ‘bulk’ versus ‘premium’ market debate going forward?
How do vendors feel about the rising threats of automation and Uberisation?
How do vendors feel about the rates offered to them by LSPs?
How much supply and demand is there in the global, regional, or segmental marketplace for specific services, specialisms, etc.?
What is the common markup applied by LSPs in different regions, for different services, etc.?
How much are clients willing to pay for translations?
How much do vendors charge for their services in different regions, for different specialisms, for different services, etc.?
What are the leading causes and effects of risk in translation projects?
Where do project managers add value in the project lifecycle?
When project success is at risk, what is typically the first constraint to be sacrificed – cost, time, quality, or other?
What are the standard quality assurance processes undertaken by a cross- section of LSPs after the translation stage is complete, but prior to verification and release?
What are the standard processes that project managers undertake in preproduction, from the initial client enquiry through to hand- off to vendors?
What are his or her responsibilities towards vendors?
What are his or her responsibilities towards clients?
From everything you have read in this textbook, how do you define the project manager’s role?
As a project manager, what characteristics would you look for in a vendor? How can you be sure that what they tell you about themselves is truthful?
What trends do you observe when you explore LSPs’ websites in terms of how they market their services? Why do you feel that they market their services in this way?
As a client, how would you select an LSP for a translation project?
As a project manager, where do you have the greatest flexibility to adapt your offering to client demands?
Are there any elements that you would be willing to sacrifice if the project manager reported that it was impossible to satisfy one of your demands?
If you were a client, what would be your main priority? Budget, deadline, quality, or something else?
What role does the project manager play in trying to redress this information asymmetry?
Is the information asymmetry uniform across all elements of the project, or are there some areas where different stakeholders have more knowledge than others, and vice versa?
For whom is the information asymmetry more acute: the client, the project manager, or the vendor?
Which additional risk factors (as defined above) might be most relevant in a translation context?
At the opposite end of the spectrum, can you think of any low probability/low impact risks?
How likely are high probability/ high impact risks in the translation industry? Can you think of any possible examples?
Draw up a similar list of risks for an LSP on a business level.
Having now read about the RBS approach and briefly about SWOT analyses, try to draw up a list of possible risks that could occur for a translation project.
Using the categories in the RBS in Figure 10.3, try to identify at least one specific example of a risk for each sub- category under ‘Technical’, ‘Project Management’, ‘Commercial and
What additional sub- categories for project risk and/ or organisational risk can you think of under ‘Technical’, ‘Project Management’,‘Commercial and Organisational’, and ‘External’
How might an LSP’s risk appetite (and associated tolerance and thresholds) correlate with other industries – for example, investment banking, insurance, legal services, accounting, logistics,
How might an LSP’s risk appetite differ depending on the type of translation offered or the domain focus?
In your opinion, is the risk appetite of an average LSP likely to be low, medium, or high? Why?
Which stakeholders play a role (in any capacity) in risk management?
Who is responsible for risk in a translation project?
Using another of the case studies on the TS Portal, conduct an analysis of the benefits for each stakeholder, using Figure 9.1 as a template.
Reflect on the role of translation in the globalised economy. What role does translation play? What is its value to the global economy? In what ways does it facilitate or impede cross- cultural
Using one of the case studies on the TS Portal, and perhaps drawing on a previous quotation that you have drawn up, work out the total profit that your LSP will generate from the project. (Ignore the
What are their benefits (i.e. the measurable impacts of their outcomes)?
What are their outputs and outcomes (i.e. the tangible product or service that they are delivering either for themselves or for another stakeholder)and what do they facilitate or improve?
What are the contributions (i.e. the individual projects or tasks) of each stakeholder (vendors, of which there may be many, LSPs, clients, and end users)?
Who are the stakeholders involved in this project?
Why do you feel that the LSP made this decision?
Under what circumstances did they provide the services?
Can you find specific case studies on LSPs’ websites where they have provided translation services pro bono (free of charge)?
How will success differ for different stakeholders?
What factors impact success?
How do we measure project success?
What does success look like in a translation project?
Why do you feel that the LSP made this decision?
Under what circumstances did they provide the services?
Can you find specific case studies on LSPs’ websites where they have provided translation services pro bono (free of charge)?
How does TWB incentivise the involvement of volunteers (both freelancers and LSPs)?
What about the volunteers? Do they see any benefits from their contributions?
What benefits do the end users derive from the work of TWB?
Why does TWB exist and what benefits does it derive from its work?
How will success differ for different stakeholders?
What factors impact success?
How do we measure project success?
What does success look like in a translation project?
How would you, as a project manager, potentially advise humanitarian organisations as to the value of translation (broadly defined)?
How could humanitarian organisations better incorporate translation into their workflows and processes to realise their intended benefits?It may be helpful to consult the chapter by Federici (2020),
How might the project manager continually monitor the viability of a project? And against which constraints might this monitoring be particularly prominent?
What might you consider to be a disbenefit (i.e. the opposite of a benefit) in the context of a translation project?
What occurrences might make you think, as a project manager, that a project is no longer viable?
Do translation projects respond to an existing or anticipated problem?
Are there any legal or regulatory requirements that influence translation projects?
Are translation services driven by customer requests?
Are there any strategic opportunities or business needs, or even social needs, that are met by translation projects?
Is there a market demand for translation services?
Who are the beneficiaries (i.e. the people or entities that benefit)?
How are benefits to be measured?
How and when will the project benefits be delivered?
Why are we doing this?
Discuss the following quotation with reference to industry publications, academic literature, and your own experience (including experience of using CAT tools in your work): ‘The technology- driven
Using user guides or video guides, find out how one or more of the CAT tools you use implements LQA error typologies. Try using the CAT tool to error- score one of your peers’ translations. Write a
Using any assessed translations that you might have (e.g. from your university studies), try to categorise your errors based on your tutors feedback.Do this across a number of translations and assess
Drawing inspiration from existing buyers’ guides (see Box 7.1), individually or as a group, design a short 2- to 3- minute educational video or podcast to educate clients on how to buy translation
Individually or as a group, design a brochure- type document that explains and demonstrates to clients the differences between machine translation and light and full post- editing (perhaps alongside
Using one of the case studies on the TS Portal, carry out a MoSCoW analysis (from the client’s and LSP’s perspective) and/ or a Kano model analysis. If you use both approaches, compare the
How easy is it to find and access this guide?
What are your impressions regarding the format in which this guide is presented (length, layout, design, etc.)?
Are there any aspects that are over- simplified, inaccurate, or unclear in your opinion?
Do you notice any areas not covered in this guide?
Reflecting back on Chapters 5 and 6, and using examples from case studies on the TS Portal, discuss the relationship between the ‘timescale’and ‘cost’ constraints in the translation industry.
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