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introduction to leadership concepts
Questions and Answers of
Introduction To Leadership Concepts
How can your organization foster the ability of leaders to connect with one another?
In what ways do you need to get tough on the tough stuff?
How can you do a better job of setting clear leadership expectations for your leaders?
To what extent has your organization made leadership accountability a business priority?
In what ways will you be a community builder within your organization?
How will having tough conversations make you a more accountable leader?
How does having clarity regarding your value and desired impact help you become a more accountable leader?
How does understanding your personal leadership story help you become a more accountable leader?
In what ways has this clarity affected your commitment to be a truly accountable leader?
What clarity did you gain about how to apply the four terms of the leadership contract to your role?
What specific areas must you pay attention to now as a leader?
What does the leadership contract mean to you? What new insights did you gain about your leadership role?
How will you behave differently as a leader?
Has anything changed in how you view yourself?
How do you feel if you were not able to sign the leadership contract?
How do you feel now that you have signed the leadership contract?
How will you build a community of leaders within your organization?
Have you experienced a genuine community of leaders? What was the impact on you?
Think of times in your career when you may have worked in organizations with cultures described as a rotting of zombies, a league of heroes, or a stable of thoroughbreds. What was the impact on you?
How might you be able to strengthen your resilience and personal resolve?
What is your mind-set regarding the hard work of leadership? Do you see it all in a positive way or negative way?
In what ways might you make the hard work harder for yourself?
What is the hard work of leadership that you must tackle in your role? What hard work are you avoiding? Why are you avoiding it?
What actions will you take to live up to your core obligations as a leader?
Consider the five core obligations of leadership described in this chapter. What insights did you gain regarding your obligation to: Yourself as a leader? Your customers? Your organization? Your
What do you define as your primary obligation as a leader? To what extent do you lead every day with this obligation front and center in your mind?
Think about the small d leadership decisions you find yourself confronted with. What guides you when making these small d decisions?
When have you been in a situation that forced you to make the Big D leadership decision?
What are the major complexities and pressures of your role? Who is legitimately scrutinizing you?
Can you think of a time when you jumped into a leadership opportunity without really appreciating what you were getting into?
Do you strive to build a sense of community with your fellow leaders?
What is the hard work you face? Do you have a tendency to tackle it head-on or do you avoid it?
Do you lead every day with a sense of clarity regarding your obligations?
Did you ever consciously decide to be a leader?
Are your expectations for leadership high enough for yourself and others?
Would your employees say that they give you their full discretionary effort?
What has been your experience with disgraceful leadership?
In what ways do you feel disconnected? Why?
Think of your current leadership role and reflect on whether you have settled as a leader.
What has been your experience with empty chair leadership?
How might you help a fellow leader better understand his or her own personal leadership story?
With whom can you share your personal leadership story with?
What critical leadership experiences have shaped you as a leader?
What is your personal leadership story?
Do you sense a different tone in your responses now?
Where have you seen the greatest shifts in your thinking?
What differences do you see?
To what extent do you have trusting and mutually supportive relationships with peers and colleagues at work? What more do you need to do going forward?
In what ways is your success as a leader being impeded, and will continue to be impeded into the future, because you are avoiding some difficult things that you know you must do but haven't done?
What do you consider your primary obligation as a truly accountable leader going forward?
What has shaped you to be the leader you are today? How will you continue to evolve into the future?
How would you now answer this question: What does it mean for you to be a leader today? Tomorrow?
Describe in detail what strong leadership accountability looks like at this turning point.
What excites you about this role?
What specific expectations, demands, and pressures do you face in your role?
What key relationships with peers and colleagues will you need to rely on to help you be a more accountable leader?
What is the specific hard work that you know you must tackle to be successful in your role?
Describe in detail what strong leadership accountability looks like at this turning point.
What specific expectations, demands, and pressures do you face in your role?
What key relationships with peers and colleagues will you need to rely on to help you be a more accountable leader
What is the specific hard work that you know you must tackle to be successful in your role?
How do you need to think differently about your leadership obligation?
Describe in detail what strong leadership accountability looks like at this turning point.
What specific expectations, demands, and pressures do you face in your role?
What key relationships with peers and colleagues will you need to rely on to help you be a more accountable leader?
What is the specific hard work that you know you must tackle to be successful in your role?
Describe in detail what strong leadership accountability looks like at this turning point.
What specific expectations, demands, and pressures do you face in your role?
What key relationships with peers and colleagues will you need to rely on to help you be a more accountable leader?
What is the specific hard work that you know you must tackle to be successful in your role?
How do you need to think differently about your leadership obligation?
What is the leadership decision you need to make as an individual contributor or emerging leader?
Looking ahead to the next quarter, how will you continue to put the four terms of the Leadership Contract into action?
How did you strengthen the sense of community among the leaders in your organization?
What hard work did you tackle? What hard work did you avoid?
What value did you bring to those you are obligated to?
What were some of the critical leadership decisions (Big D and smalld) that you made?
How did you do as an accountable leader over the past three months?
What was your experience working in a Stable of Thoroughbreds culture?
What was your experience working in a League of Heroes culture?
Reaffirm your positive intention. What statements or words can you share that will reaffirm your positive intention in having this conversation? Write them down.
Encourage an honest response. How will you encourage an honest response?
Explain the impact of the behavior. Write down how the person's behavior is undermining his or her success.
Be direct and factual. What feedback must you share? Write it down. Make sure it is direct (not sugar-coated) and factual(supported by facts).
Determine whether the person is ready to have the conversation. How will you gauge whether the person is ready?Sometimes all you need to do is ask.
Mention that you need to have a tough conversation. How will you bring this up? Why do you feel it will be tough for that person? For you?
Practice the conversation. Identify a trusted colleague with whom you can practice. Who is that colleague?
Focus first on how much you care. Think of the person you need to have your tough conversation with. Think about why you care about this person and his or her success. Focus on visceral feelings.
Revisit the leadership obligation statement you created in the first activity of this chapter. Based on the interviews you conducted, how would you modify this statement? Use this space to capture
What insights did you gain about the enduring value you must create?
What is one consistent action that I must take to provide even greater value as a leader and live up to my core obligation?
What blind spots may be getting in my way?
Where do I need to be stronger as a leader to have an even greater impact?
What are my unique strengths as a leader?
What impact does my value have on you?
What primaryvalue do I provideas a leader?
What is one consistent action that I must take to have even greater value as a leader and live up to my core obligation?
What blind spots may be getting in my way?
Where do I need to be more accountable as a leader to have an even greater impact?
What are my unique strengths as a leader?
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