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Linear programming is a method for finding the optimal (best possible) solution that meets all the conditions for a problem such as the following. A

Linear programming is a method for finding the optimal (best possible) solution that meets all the conditions for a problem such as the following. 

A factory can have no more than 200 workers on a shift, but must have at least 100 and must manufacture at least 3000 units at minimum cost. How many workers should be on a shift in order to produce the required units at minimal cost? 

Let x represent the number of workers and y represent the number of units manufactured.

Of the values of x and y found in Exercise 58, which ones give the least value when substituted in the cost equation from Exercise 57?

Data from in Exercise 57

The cost per worker is $50 per day and the cost to manufacture 1 unit is $100. Write an equation in x, y, and C representing the total daily cost C.

Data from in Exercise 58

Find values of x and y for several points in or on the boundary of the shaded region. Include any “corner points,” where C is maximized or minimized.

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To solve this problem using linear programming we need to set up the objective function and the cons... blur-text-image
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