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1. in what ways were the images of Emmett Tills face important in the events surrounding his murder? Why do you think the images were

1. in what ways were the images of Emmett Till’s face important in the events surrounding his murder? Why do you think the images were so important?

2. What do you think makes it possible to murder a person? What do you think makes it possible to find someone not guilty of murder when the evidence supports a murder charge or find someone guilty of murder when the evidence does not support the charge?

3. What makes it possible for a community to support this kind of behavior (e.g. that of the killers in the case of Emmett Till)?

4. The sheriff stopped the lynching of the Scottsboro boys does that mean society had progressed to affording justice to the defendants? Explain.

5. What are some of the main similarities and differences between the lynching’s in the postcards, movie and Scottsboro trial and the murder of Emmett Till? Be sure to consider this especially in light of the different ways that society and local communities allowed, enabled, or otherwise supported these events in some ways.

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1 The images of Emmett Tills face were important in the events surrounding the murder in number of ways To begin with the mutilated face portrayed clearly the brutality and pain that Emmett had to go ... blur-text-image
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