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1. Your firm has the following income statement items sales of $0.250,000 income tas of S1.744,000 operating espenses of s10,115,000 cost of goods sold of

1. Your firm has the following income statement items sales of $0.250,000 income tas of S1.744,000 operating espenses of s10,115,000 cost of goods sold of $35,025,000 and interest expense of $750,000 What is the amount of the firm\'s EB117 2. Your firm has the following income statement items: sales of $50,250,000 income tax of $1.744,000 operating expenses of $10,115,000 cost of goods sold of $35,025,000 and interest espense of $750,000. What is the amount of the firm\'s gross profit? Your firm has the following income statement items: sales of $50,230.000, income tas o 1,7440o. operating expenses of $10.115,000-cost of goods sold of S3502S00, and interest expense of$750,000. What is the amount of the firm\'s income before tax? 3. 4. Your firm has the following income statement items: sales of $50.250,000 income tax of $1,74,000 operating expenses of $8,750,000 cost of goods sold of $35,025,000, and interest espense of $750,000. What is the amount of the firm\'s net income? Your firm has the following income statement items sales of $52000000 income tax of $1,880000 operating epenses of $9,000,000 cost of goods sold of $36.000.000 and interest expense of $800,000. Compute the firm\'s gross profit margin. Jones Company Financial Information Net income Accounts receivable 750 1,125 53,000 750 1,500 Common stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Accounts payable 7.500 1,500 750 2250 Based on the information given in Table 1, calculate the dividends paid in 19% 1. Bird Industries, Inc. Balance Sheets $1,000 5,000 Accounts receivable 9,000 Other fised assets Total assets Accounts payable Bonds Common stock Retained earnings Total debt and equity $3,200 17,000 

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