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A 10.0-ft 3 compressed-air tank is being filled. Before the filling begins, the tank is open to the atmosphere. The reading on a Bourdon gauge

A 10.0-ft 3 compressed-air tank is being filled. Before the filling begins, the tank is open to the atmosphere. The reading on a Bourdon gauge mounted on the tank increases linearly from an initial value of 0.0 to 100 psi after 15 seconds. The temperature is constant at 72°F, and atmospheric pressure is 1 atm.


Calculate the rate n˙(lb-mole/s) at which air is being added to the tank, assuming ideal-gas behavior. ( Suggestion: Start by calculating how much is in the tank at t=0.)


Let N(t) equal the number of lb-moles of air in the tank at any time. Write a differential balance on the air in the tank in terms of N and provide an initial condition.


Integrate the balance to obtain an expression for N(t). Check your solution two ways.


Estimate the lb-moles of oxygen in the tank after two minutes. List reasons your answer might be inaccurate, assuming there are no mistakes in your calculation.

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Density of air at 72F and 0 psi Gauge pressure P 1 00748 bf 3 density of ai... blur-text-image
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