Background: I threw a small party in my college dorm room and the police came and caught a minor in the room I was not
Background: I threw a small party in my college dorm room and the police came and caught a minor in the room I was not aware of the girl being in the room but I do accept full responsible and I am 21 years old I need an alcohol reflection essay (look at examples online) also discuss how I will - continue to attend class everyday and maintain a high GPA - stay away from parties and start checking i.ds - how I learned my lesson - anything else you can add on describe in detail at least three goals you hope to achieve while at Winthrop university things to consider:
1. Why you chose to attend Winthrop? What are your future career/life aspirations? What actions you are taking to achieve these goals? Why are these important to you? How do you want to impact others?
2. Explain what role you played in the incident for which you were documented? Things to consider: what influenced your decisions in this situation? What are your typical drinking behaviors? How do these behaviors affect other aspects of your daily life? What consequences have you experienced as a result of alcohol use?
3. Reflect on your responses from questions one and two. Discuss how your behaviors in question two impact your ability to achieve your overall goals? Things to consider: how will you meet your goals listed in question one? Does alcohol have a negative effect in meeting these goals? What changes if any, do you plan to make in the future in relation to alcohol use? In what areas of your life will these changes have the greatest impact?
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Alcohol Reflection Paper Introduction Having been in an ordeal that involved having a minor in a party that I had held in my dorm room I needed to reevaluate my life concerning where I wanted to be af...83% of Social Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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