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Black music is the soundtrack for the Black Experience in America. From Gospel, Blues and Jazz to Soul, Funk, and Hip Hop, Black music has

Black music is the soundtrack for the Black Experience in America. From Gospel, Blues and Jazz to Soul, Funk, and Hip Hop, Black music has been the epicenter of Black social history and theory. You need to Charge with analyzing, comparing, and contrasting two songs essential to the Black experience. Include the historical context of the production of the music and the artist’s biographical information. Outline of Paper Paragraph 1: Introduction, paragraph 2: Biography of Artist/Group Paragraph, 3: Biography of Artist/Group, Paragraph 4: Historical Context, Paragraph 5: Compare Artist/Group Song #1, Paragraph 6: Compare Artist/Group Song #2, Paragraph 7: Make connections between the Artist/Group and the Course Material, Paragraph 8: How has the Artist/Group influenced you and your understanding of the Black Experience?

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Introduction The artist selected is Kanye West who is an American Hiphop rapper and producer Kanye West is a wellknown artist with most of his songs played all over the world He falls under the catego... blur-text-image
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