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Discussion 1 coaching model please respond to the following: using an acronym, create your own coaching model, and define the meaning of each letter as

Discussion 1 "coaching model" please respond to the following:

using an acronym, create your own coaching model, and define the meaning of each letter as it relates to performance management.

Specify the primary reasons that you believe your model would be effective. Justify your response.

Compare and contrast internal coaching versus external coaching overall. Suggest two (2) pros and two (2) cons of each coaching method. Provide a rationale for your response.

Discussion 2 "employment tests, hiring and promotion decisions" please respond to the following:

using the e-activity, choose two (2) of the following employment tests: drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honesty tests, and scored test of ability.

Next, analyze the manner in which the testing itself could be considered illegal when an organization does not properly use it during the employment hiring process.

Justify your response. Give your opinion of the purpose of the bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), as discussed within the text. Then, suggest two (2) occupations where the discriminatory requirement is legal. Justify your response.

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Discussion 1 DCM D Discipline This would address performance management attributes such as time efficiency work ethics as well as upholding cultural moral of an organization C Competence This would in... blur-text-image
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