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Imagine that you are a consultant for the board of directors of an imaginary group called Americans can do better now. ACDBN, a non-profit action

Imagine that you are a consultant for the board of directors of an imaginary group called Americans can do better now. ACDBN, a non-profit action group, is focused on improving the lives of immigrants in America. To get started, listen to the opinions of each board member on the topic of why immigrants came to America. You can do this by clicking launch presentation on the attached "streaming into the American city" media element. Once you are done, explain your reaction to their discussion by answering the following: should ACDBN seek to expand the role of immigrants in American urban areas much as two of the board members openly suggest? Explain your thoughts about why immigrants came.

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Immigration into America Originally America was the land of the Red Indians who were evicted by Europeans during the colonial era As history suggests ... blur-text-image
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