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Please respond to the following: 1-Analyze the descriptions of generations from traditionalists to Generation. Assess your own category and discuss the ways you agree and

Please respond to the following: 1-Analyze the descriptions of generations from traditionalists to Generation. Assess your own category and discuss the ways you agree and differ from the description, indicating which generation best describes you. Provide three reasons and examples for your position. Assume you have performed an analysis of your agency’s workforce and have concluded that over 30% of employees will retire within the next 24 months and another 35% in five years.

Currently, the workforce of 650 employees has 40% baby boomers and 60% Generation X-ers and Generation Y-ers. Your observations indicate that the baby boomers distrust the Generation X-ers and Y-ers, appear to disrespect the baby boomers.

2- Recommend two strategies you could implement to address and change this situation for the better. Provide a rationale for your views. Week 5 Activity for discussion part 2 Use the Internet or Strayer Library resources, or both, to research two news events related to sexual harassment laws covering lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals published within the past 12 months. Be prepared to discuss. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Employees in the Public Sector Workforce" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze the two news events published within the past 12 months related to sexual harassment laws for or against lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. Propose at least two ways your agency plans to address these events, highlighting two challenges to identifying and prosecuting offenders within your agency.

Debate It: Take a position for or against this statement: A public sector agency should provide medical benefits to employees who choose to have surgery to change their sex. Provide at least two reasons and examples to support your position.

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1 Generations Generations can be categorized into five groups with four of the groups becoming part of the workplace in organizations The generations are traditionalists baby boomers generation X and ... blur-text-image
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