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Read the Comp & Ben Case Study and answer the following question: To the degree job growth (and increased car sales that come from m

Read the Comp & Ben Case Study and answer the following question:

To the degree job growth (and increased car sales that come from m costs) is based on two tier-wage structures, how sustainable is this approach? For example, that Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne stated that “Long term, (The system) is not a viable structure. It creates two classes of workers within the plant. It doesn’t work in the same direction we are working ... to get this organization to work in unison.” Why would Mr. Marchionne make this statement? What are the potential drawbacks of a two-tier structure? When would we expect any such drawbacks to materialize?

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It is true in one perspective that the two tier wage structures would create two classes of workers ... blur-text-image
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