Suppose you are a human resources (hr) manager of GENAFLEK Computers Limited. Create a presentation of an ideal performance management system (PMS) that you would
Suppose you are a human resources (hr) manager of GENAFLEK Computers Limited.
Create a presentation of an ideal performance management system (PMS) that you would implement in the organization.
Include information that addresses the following aspects of your PMS: organizational strategy including description of the organization’s purpose, vision, mission systems including defining and measuring results, appraisals, compensation implementation factors including communication plan, appeal process employee development considerations each of the above areas and their subcategories must be addressed.
Assume you are presenting the paper to the senior management team of your organization.
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Introduction Employees are not only dynamic but also the most valuable assets to any business That is the same case that applies to Genaflek Computers Limited Genaflek Computers is a medium sized comp...83% of Business Students Improved their GPA!
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