This task requires you to take on the role of the union representative. You will write an argument appropriate for your role of union rep.
This task requires you to take on the role of the union representative. You will write an argument appropriate for your role of union rep. That is to be read by the arbitrator as part of his/her decision concerning the arbitration. A key part of this task will be to apply the arbitral principles of “just cause” for discipline and discharge. This task is based on: (1) Independent research of arbitration jurisprudence (see below); (2) online course material; (3) the textbook; and (4) the assigned case. for this task, we will be using the emma williams case in appendix c of the text:
1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the elements of just cause.
2. Clearly present arguments appropriate for your assigned role of union rep.
3. Cite relevant jurisprudence (lacs) to support your argument.
4. Present your ideas in a clear manner.
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