What are the similarities and differences in your reactions? Give the answer after reading the passage given below: A sharper focus do we accepted illegal
What are the similarities and differences in your reactions?
Give the answer after reading the passage given below:
A sharper focus do we accepted illegal entry into sports games? College Illegal entry into or home?. Our work place no of course not, as a country we should not accept illegal immigration or anything else deemed illegal. Otherwise why stop there, why bother with laws at all. Illegal immigration and legal export of jobs have decimated the US economy so much so that in the event of a real war on American soil an alien army is already present and we as country do not have the capability to produce the weapons needed to defend yourself, further the government is hell bent on removing what arms we have left. A sharper focus, remove the illegal aliens, ban immigrants until Americans are off public aid and the economy is restored to a healthy state with the deficit under control and GNP is positive
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