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Write a response to the Maus. Consider the following as you think about the piece, and then craft your essay in response to at least

Write a response to the Maus. Consider the following as you think about the piece, and then craft your essay in response to at least two of the questions below:

Did you have to go back and re-read any sections of the graphic narrative for it to make sense to you? If so, which sections, and why? How does Spiegel man's tone and style impact you as a reader of the piece? In your opinion, how does irony function in the story? Does anything in the piece stand out to you as ironic? If it is, so why? Where is the story set, and how does that impact the overall narrative Spiegel man creates for us as readers? What are the underlying themes you feel Spiegel man is trying to share with readers, and why are they important themes for all of us to understand? What types of conclusions could you reach about the main characters in the piece, and why are these important to an understanding of human nature?

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Spiegel man graphic style Maus is a graphic new but it ruins an irregularity It is profile autobiography allegory past cartoon but it is also works It defies outdated categorization Maus is organized ... blur-text-image
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