Write an essay that either defends or refutes the statement below: As an isolated enclave its [Constantinople's] capture was ultimately inevitable; if Constantine had managed
Write an essay that either defends or refutes the statement below:
"As an isolated enclave its [Constantinople's] capture was ultimately inevitable; if Constantine had managed to stave off the Ottoman siege it would only have been a matter of time before another assault succeeded."
In other words: Was the fall of Constantinople in 1453 (or soon after) a given, or could it have carried on for a good deal longer? Offer a critical answer making use of 1453.
Also address the following in the essay:
1. Introduction
2. Background on the clash at Constantinople:
3. Overview of the clash at Constantinople:
4. Argument regarding the clash at Constantinople:
5. Conclusion regarding the clash at Constantinople:
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Step: 1
1 Introduction The Battle of Constantinople in 1147 was a big ruler clash among the services of the Byzantine Empire then the German campaigners of the Second Crusade run by Conrad III of Germany boxe...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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