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Write an executive summary that seeks to spark interest in potential investors/stakeholders. Create an opportunity for investors/stakeholders to consider the full details of your Strategic

Write an executive summary that seeks to spark interest in potential investors/stakeholders. Create an opportunity for investors/stakeholders to consider the full details of your Strategic Plan and then decide to provide support. Create a consolidated Strategic Plan with speaker notes that is directed towards interested investors/stakeholders.

Address the following:

• Explain how your competitive advantage is achieved through your strategic initiative plan.

• Describe why your organization’s mission and vision seek to promote the greater social good from a Christian perspective. How does your organization or perhaps even your plan accommodate an organization’s responsibilities to the greater social good, from a Christian perspective?

• Include how your plan address ethics, cooperate social responsibility, and sustainability.

• Describe how your plan utilizes your leadership skills to encourage innovation within your organization.

• Include an explanation of the global and international considerations in your strategic plan.

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Answered: 3 weeks ago