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You need to study Hamlet and answer the following questions: Why are the guards so nervous and jumpy at the opening of the play? What

You need to study Hamlet and answer the following questions:

Why are the guards so nervous and jumpy at the opening of the play? What sort of “inappropriate” clothing does hamlet wear to the queen’s wedding? When hamlet complains that “the everlasting … had fixed his canon ‘gainst self-slaughter” what is he contemplating doing? Why does laertes tell his sister not to trust hamlet’s interest in her? What advice does Polonius give to his son as he sends him off to Paris? What secret does the ghost reveal to hamlet? What does the ghost ask hamlet to do? To whom is he to show mercy? What does hamlet mean by saying he might put on an “antic disposition”?

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There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

The play opens with the guards who have assembled nervously on the basement of the castle They were ... blur-text-image

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