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You need to write a paper about Consumer Conundrum, the reflection piece of the assignment should be at 4 to 5 sentences in which you

You need to write a paper about “Consumer Conundrum”, the reflection piece of the assignment should be at 4 to 5 sentences in which you will include what you thought about this Module’s discussions, topics, readings and what you will be able to do. This should be added at the end of your Consumer Conundrum assignment.

I liked the readings and discussions, topics and Answering why you liked it, or how it connected to your own consumer behavior or work-related experiences would be more appropriate as a reflective thought. Think of and write about an example where you have lateral cycled something.

Describe the experience. Think of something where you have purchased something that has been lateral cycled. What did you feel about the experience? How did you deal with doubts? How should the marketer try to persuade you to buy new rather than used? Where do you think new industries in lateral cycling will occur in the future?

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Consumer Conundrum Lateral cycled products are increasing at an alarming rate across the world My first car was lateral cycled When I bought it I had a lot of doubts I felt that it could be damaged or ... blur-text-image
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