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Your firm has been investigating the possibility of locating facilities in an East Asian country such as Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, or Singapore. You have been
Your firm has been investigating the possibility of locating facilities in an East Asian country such as Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, or Singapore. You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) to research what has been happening in these countries in terms of environmental legislation and laws regarding wages and hours. He has asked you to prepare a report that addresses the following information:
- Describe the level of environmental regulation in any 2 of these countries.
- Describe the 2 selected countries' versions of wage and working-hour legislation.
- Use the Library and other Internet resources to find the legislation for the specific countries.
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Level of environmental regulation in Singapore The Singapore Green Plan SGP is Singapores first environmental blueprint Released in 1992 by the then Ministry of the Environment now known as the Minist...
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