1. Do you think that the NFL and franchise owners are meeting their obligations to employee health and safety? 2. Do you think that the
1. Do you think that the NFL and franchise owners are meeting their obligations to employee health and safety? 2. Do you think that the NFL's and owners' responsibilities in terms of player safety and health have changed now that the potential long-term health risks of playing football are more widely understood? 3. Do you think that the changes made in terms of rules, equipment, and player health assessments to date have been sufficient? 4. There are analogies made in the case between football and smoking. Do you believe that in 25 years, the state of professional football will be similar to that of cigarette companies today? 5. If you were the owner of an NFL franchise team, would you look to sell your team, or do you think the NFL will continue as a viable and profitable business? (consider the recent and emerging issues in part B as well as part A)
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