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1) The strands of double stranded DNA are arranged in ___________fashion and form a__________ A) parallel.......Beta Pleated Sheet B) Anti-Parallel........Beta Pleated Sheet C) Anti-Parallel.........Double Helix


The strands of double stranded DNA are arranged in ___________fashion and form


A) parallel.......Beta Pleated Sheet

B) Anti-Parallel........Beta Pleated Sheet

C) Anti-Parallel.........Double Helix

D) Parallel.............Double Helix

2) DNA Replication is called SEMICONSERVATIVE because...........

A) DNA voted for Bush in 2008 and Obama in 2012

B) Both daughter double stranded DNAs consist of parent strands ONLY

C) Both daughter double stranded DNAs consist of daughter strands ONLY

D) Both daughter double stranded DNAs consist of one parent and one daughter strand

3) For the first step of DNA replication

A) RNA Polymerase initiates replication

B) DNA polymerase III must be denatured

C) Ligase must seal the nicks

D) Parent strands are separated at an Origin of Replication

4) The next step in DNA replication involves complementary base pairing of RNA primers to the parent strands. The enzyme_________does this

A) Primase B) DNA polymerase III C) DNA polymerase I D) Ligase E) Helicase

5) ____________Synthesizes the leading and lagging strands during DNA replication

A) Primase B) DNA polymerase III C) DNA polymerase I D) Ligase E) Helicase

6) _____Replaces RNA with DNA on the leading and lagging strands

A) Primase B) DNA polymerase III C) DNA polymerase I D) Ligase

E) Helicase

7) _____Seals all gaps in the phosphate backbone every place there was a primer

A) Primase B) DNA polymerase III C) DNA polymerase I D) Ligase

E) Helicase

8) What do you find at the 3' end of a single stranded DNA molecule

A) a phosphate B) an -OH C) a sugar D) a base


What do you find at the 3' end of a single stranded DNA molecule

A) a phosphate B) an -OH C) a sugar D) a base

10) The diagram represents a double stranded DNA molecule, choose the correct answer that represents where the 5’ and 3’ ends could be for each strand

A) A= 5’ B=5’, C=3’, D= 3’

B) A=3’, B=3’, C= 5’, D= 5’

C) A=5’, B= 3’, C= 3’, D=5’

D) cannot be assigned

10) Viruses that can infect bacteria are called___________

A) Oligonucleotides

B) Bacteriophages

C) Bacteria

D) Bactiviralids

11) Boveri and Sutton used Sea Urchins as model organisms and Thomas Hunt Morgan used fruit flies for his research. What knowledge did these different groups of scientists contribute together to modern molecular biology?

A) That chromosomes are responsible for the inheritance of traits

B) Nothing new, they only re-confirmed Mendel’s findings

C) They correctly deduced the structure of DNA from many sources

D) That the DNA component of chromosomes is responsible for the inheritance of traits not the protein component

E) That live bacteria could acquire traits from dead ones in a process we now call “Transformation”

12) Frederick Griffith’s was trying to understand the relationship between bacteria and a fatal form of pneumonia in humans, what discovery do we now credit him with?

A) That chromosomes are responsible for the inheritance of traits

B) Nothing really they only re-confirmed Mendel’s findings

C) They correctly deduced the structure of DNA from many sources

D) That the DNA component of chromosomes is responsible for inheritance of traits not the protein component

E) That live bacteria could acquire DNA based traits from dead bacteria in a process we now call “Transformation”

13) Hershey and Chase, a husband and wife scientific team, worked together and won the Nobel Prize. What are they now credited with?

A) That chromosomes are responsible for the inheritance of traits

B) Nothing really they only re-confirmed Mendel’s findings

C) They correctly deduced the structure of DNA from many sources

D) That the DNA component of chromosomes is responsible for inheritance of traits

E) That live bacteria could acquire traits from dead ones in a process we now call


14) Any two organisms you compare with each other will share similarities and differences, in general the more similarities they share the more closely related they are. The more differences two organisms have they are more likely distantly related.

(A) True

(B) False

15) According to Evolutionary theory, all living things, on some level, are related

(A) True

(B) False

16) Charles Darwin's work entitled the “Origin of Species” used overwhelming natural evidence to propose that current species diversity is the result of ______________ , where newer species are descendants of older ones, And that species diversity is the result of ____________ which occurs at the population level and over time allows organisms to become specialized for their given environments.

A) various homologies, descent with modification

B) biblical prophecy, religious conversion

C) descent with modification, natural selection

D) acts of congress, acts of congress

17) In which part of the world did Darwin make some of his most significant observations during the Beagle Expedition?

A) The Pacific Northwest of North America

B) Florida

C) The Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador

D) Greenwich England

18) You learned that the Sugar Gliders of Australia are Belong to Order

Notoryctemorphia (Marsupials) and that the Squirrels of North America belong to Order Mammalia. These two types of chordates are only very distantly related. Despite this, some Sugar Gliders and Squirrels that live in temperate deciduous forests have modifications of flaps of skin around all four appendages that help them glide or “fly” to escape from predators. What Evolutionary concept could explain the similarities in gliding (flying) ability?

A) Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

B) Balancing selection

C) Convergent Evolution, because of similar selective pressure from the similar environments

D) The peptidoglycan cell wall of a gram positive prokaryote

19) Members of a population do not have variation of traits; most individuals within a population are exactly alike

(A) True

(B) False

20) Often, organisms with specialized adaptations for their environment tend to leave more offspring that successfully reproduce in the next generation

(A) True

(B) False

21) Which best describes the definition of a scientific theory?

A) something someone made up and people generally accept as true though its never been tested

B) A statement that is falsifiable by experiment

C) A large body of knowledge that has been tested under a wide range of different conditions and can be used to guide further levels of questioning

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1 C AntiParallelDouble Helix 2 D Both daughter double stranded DNAs consist of one parent an... View full answer

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