(a) Explain how a limit worth may be tended to at run-time, both in a syntaxtree middle person and in collected code. What is the
(a) Explain how a limit worth may be tended to at run-time, both in a syntaxtree middle person and in collected code. What is the importance word "settled" already? [3 marks] (b) Give a model program that gives different results in static and dynamic scrutinizing. For every circumstance, figure out how a middle person or assembled code may fill job application. [3 marks] (c) Considering simply static looking at from here on, get a handle on what restrictions are essential to implment work values without using an associate heap. Get a handle on the contemplations of static and dynamic chains, giving a delineation of a situation in which they contrast (for instance reference to some unsatisfactory one would get to the wrong component). Address how reviving (by errand to) a free component can be impleented. [5 marks] (d) Give an elective burden based implmentation for work values when the impediments somewhat (c) don't hold. Figure out how free factors (and particularly their update) can now be impemented. [4 marks] (e) Java commonly holds close by factors in stack housings and event factors on the stack. Consider a Java-like language with settled classes, and a potential program structure: class C { int f(int x) { class D { int addx(int y) { return x+y; } void updtx(int y) { x = y; } } ... } };Which of the going with articles arranged programming guidelines typifies polymorphism? Exactly when a comparable procedure is called with a thing, the outcome can vary dependent upon the sort of article at runtime. An OOP object joins data and the methods work on that data into a singular component. Classes in OOP are much of the time based subsequent to existing classes, allowing new things to get properties from existing articles. A couple of classes in OOP can't be extended, so they have no youth classes. 5 concentrations for Question 33 Both association point and class heritage in object-arranged programming pack object attributes and approaches to acting that can be shared by various articles. Compassionately get a handle on how they fluctuate and why you incline in the direction of one over the other. Table 12pt Paragraph Edit View Insert Format Tools O words BI VA 2 T2v p 11 The letter U D 5 concentrations for Question 34 You were endowed with making an information system for vehicles, vehicles, bicycles, wheels, and engines. Assuming no one really cares either way, figure out how class piece should be used in this structure to achieve code reuse considering your presence of mind of the association between these certifiable articles and OOP plan guidelines. Table 12pt Paragraph | BIUA TU: p O words | Edit View Insert Format Tools Question 35 (2 centers) Given the going with JSON record: "firstName": "John"; "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "address": "21 second Street", "city": "New York" "state": "New York"; "postal area": "10021" 1. "telephone number": [("type": "home"]. "phone": "212 555-1234" 3. "type":"fax", "phone number": "646 555-4567" 3]] The JavaScript variable client implies the recently referenced JSON object. Which of the going with JavaScript codes is ideal for recuperating a client's home phone number? "phone number," client (O) . ["phone number")[0] home client".home.number (d) For all of solicitations in parts (a) and (b), offer a bound on the running an open door to outline the solicitation on an edifying record with n segments. [4 marks] 8 CST.2003.9.9 10 Types (a) Describe the connection = of beta-change between terms of the polymorphic lambda math (PLC). How should one pick whether two typeable PLC terms are in this association? Why does the decision procedure crash and burn for untypeable terms? [8 marks] (b) Let be the polymorphic sort 1((2(2 1)) 1). Show that there is a closed PLC term I with the going with two properties. (I) I has type ( ). (ii) If M1 and M2 are any closed PLC terms of a comparable kind, express, and if (I M1) = (I M2), M1 = M2. [Hint: for property (ii), think about the beta-ordinary kinds of I M1 x and I M2 x, where is a sort variable and x is a variable.] [12 marks] 11 Numerical Analysis II (a) Explain the term positive semi-certain framework. [1 mark] reliably Touch Screen to Continue Screen B Return to Main MENU Please Select a System Preset From The List Below System PRESET 1 East VGA Input to Both Projectors System PRESET 2 East VGA Input to West projector East VIDEO to East projector System PRESET 3 West VGA Input to Both Projectors System PRESET 4 West VGA Input to West projecto West VIDEO to East projector System PRESET 5 Both projectors OFF for a none video, or OHP type show Return to Main MENU Lighting Controls Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 ALL OFF Spots ON Spots OFF Return to Main MENU Audio Controls Microphones PGM Sound MIC UP MUTE Un-MUTE MIC DN PGM UP MUTE Un-MUTE PGM DN 2 CST.2003.9.3 2 VLSI Design Explain the improvement of wave skirt in a twofold snake. [4 marks]With the going with code below...I need help with the going with requests. Written in the programming language java with comments figuring out the code techniques and significance. Past request
This is totally performed imperceptibly and the value stacked from the area is returned as seen. (a) Write pseudo-code for a key turn lock using CAS. [4 marks] (b) Why could this at whatever point perform incompetently on an immense multi-processor system? [2 marks] Consider an unreservedly related blueprint of QNode objects, each with a boolean field regard and a reference near its substitution (holding invalid at the tail of the line). A typical region l suggests the tail place point (or is invalid if the line is empty). (c) Define the folowing synchronous undertakings using CAS://Append one more center aide q toward the tail of the framework, returning//the previous tail QNode pushTail (QNode q);//Remove q, which likely been at the most raised spot of the layout,//returning the new head QNode popHead (QNode q); [Hint: note that popHead perhaps needs to enable memory when the line becomes empty.] [8 marks] (d) Define a line set up wind lock based as for these exercises. [6 marks] 5 [TURN OVER CST.2003.9.6 6 Advanced Graphics (a) (I) Derive the quadratic uniform B-spline premise work, N1,3(t), for the pack vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. [6 marks] (ii) Explain how Ni,3(t) is connected with N1,3(t), I {2, 3, 4, 5}. [2 marks] (b) The going with picture shows a lot of five control places and the B-spline wind conveyed by the control environments and the pack vector [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2] with k = 4 (a cubic B-spline). (I) Draw a near outline, using a comparable five control places, for the pack vector from segment (a), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], depicting a quadratic B-spline (k = 3). [3 marks] (ii) Draw another layout, with a general control networks, for the pack vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7], depicting a quadratic B-spline (k = 3). [3 marks] (iii) What is the congruity of the curve at t = 4 in all of the cases in parts (b)(i) and (b)(ii)? [2 marks] (c) Show how the going with article can be made using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). You could perceive the going with nearby individuals: circle, chamber, cone, torus, box. [You should portray which nearby individuals are required and how they are joined right now you shouldn't pick unequivocally all of the limitations of the primitives.] [4 marks] 6 CST.2003.9.7 7 Optimizing Compilers (a) Summarize quickly the standards of sincerity assessment, including depictions of: (I) the space of values used for evaluation time depiction of a k-banter, 1-result work in the source language; (ii) how a fundamental end is given a speculative importance; (iii) how a recursive client portrayed work is given a speculative importance (it is palatable to do this part as a visual show); (iv) the machine-level benefit of the related update. [8 marks] (b) An issue managable to relative treatment is that of flight evaluation. Here we have a call-by-regard language with cons and the sales to be tended to is "whether a value containing a cons-center point passed as discussion quite far may be returned ('escape') as a piece of the end's result". 7 [TURN OVER CST.2003.9.8 8 Artificial Intelligence II (a) Explain what the terms ontological responsibility and epistemological responsibility mean concerning a language for data depiction and thinking. What are the ontological and epistemological responsibilities made by propositional thinking and by first deals thinking? [4 marks] (b) You wish to develop a mechanical pet cat for the purposes for redirection. One legitimization for the cat is to scratch huge things when the owner is missing. Give a short clearing portrayal of situation math and depict how it might be used for data depiction by the robot. Recollect for your reaction one model all of an edge saying, an effect statute, and a substitution state communicating, close by model consequences of sensible predicates and endpoints. [12 marks] (c) Give a short depiction of the illustrative edge issue, the inferential packaging issue, the breaking point issue, and the repercussion issue. [4 marks]
9 D
(I) Choose (and state doubtlessly) a reasonable technique of dynamic characteristics and considerations of abilities to formalize the issue of flight assessment for a prompt first-demand language with entire numbers and significant entire number records (yet not plans of records). Relatively give captivating understandings of if else, +, cons, hd and tl. [Hint: to manage this structure without using static sorts, you could best expect that nothing is treated as 0, and that any huge hearted botch (soundly saw, for instance, cons(1,nil)+3, tl(3) and even (considering the 'nolists-of-records' norm) cons(cons(1,nil),nil) gives result 0.] [8 marks] (ii) Give without attestation dynamic repercussions (happening as expected due to your methodology) of the going with limits: f(x,y,z) = cons(hd(tl(x)), if hd(x) y else tl(z)) g(x,y) = if x=0, 0 else cons(hd x, g(tl x, y)) h(x,y) = if x=0, x else cons(hd x, h(tl x, y)) k(x,y) = if x=0, y else cons(hd x, k(tl x, y)) [4 marks]
Depict a psychological perspectives compromise that could occur in this elective arrangement. [4 marks] Screen A LIGHTS ON LIGHTS Menu PROJECTOR Menu AUDIO Menu START Page MUSIC Vol.+ MUSIC Vol.-
Is the cut the longest sort of film? 35. Most chiefs and makers are artistically gifted and can deftly haggle with the arranger how music ought to be utilized in their movies. A real B tricky 36. It has no effect who you know around here, no matter what your end and limit. A. Dependable B. Chuckling 37. The "restrain person" is the essential music copyist at an it. A gathering to score focuses. Affirmed Sham B. 38. Alex North's score for what film was cleared? The Exorcist A. Unit B. C. Unfortunate vision A Space Odyssey, 2001 Rapa Nui E. 39. 2 Compiler Construction Consider a ML-like language in which the plan of values consolidates limits and these limits could have settled definitions. (a) Explain how a limit worth may be tended to at run-time, both in a syntaxtree middle person and in gathered code. What is the importance word "settled" already? [3 marks] (b) Give a model program that gives different results in static and dynamic scrutinizing. For every circumstance, figure out how a middle person or accumulated code may fill job application. [3 marks] (c) Considering simply static looking at from here on, figure out what limits are critical to implment work values without using an associate heap. Figure out the considerations of static and dynamic chains, giving a delineation of a situation in which they contrast (for instance reference to some unsatisfactory one would get to the wrong element). Address how reviving (by undertaking to) a free variable can be impleented. [5 marks] (d) Give an elective burden based implmentation for work values when the impediments somewhat (c) don't hold. Get a handle on how free factors (and particularly their update) can now be impemented. [4 marks] (e) Java ordinarily holds close by factors in stack housings and event factors on the stack. Consider a Java-like language with settled classes, and a potential program structure: class C { int f(int x) { class D { int addx(int y) { return x+y; } void updtx(int y) { x = y; } }
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyRectangle extends MyShape { private double width; private double height;
// (x,y) Top Left Corner MyRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color color) { super(x, y, color); this.width = width; this.height = height; }
public double getWidth() { return width; }
public double getHeight() { return height; }
public double getPerimeter() { return 2 * (width + height); }
private double getArea() { return width * height; }
public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; }
public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; }
@Override public void draw(GraphicsContext gc) { gc.setFill(super.getColor()); gc.setStroke(super.getColor()); gc.strokeRect(super.getX(), super.getY(), width, height); gc.fillRect(super.getX(), super.getY(), width, height); }
@Override public MyRectangle getMyBoundingRectangle() { return this; }
@Override public ArrayList
@Override public String toString() { return String.format( "----- Rectangle Properties ----- %15s (%.2f,%.2f) %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s " + super.getColor(), "Corner Point:", super.getX(), super.getY(), "Area:", getArea(), "Perimeter:", getPerimeter(), "Width:", width, "Height:", height, "Color:"); } }
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyOval extends MyShape { private final MyPoint center; private double width; private double height;
MyOval(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color color) { // (x,y) is top left corner super(x, y, color); this.width = width; this.height = height; = new MyPoint(x + width / 2, y + height / 2); }
public double getArea() { return Math.PI * width * height * 0.5; }
public double getPerimeter() { return 2 * Math.PI * Math.sqrt((width + height) / 2); }
public MyPoint getCenter() { return center; }
public double getRadius(double angle) { double semiW = width / 2; double semiH = height / 2; double temp = Math.pow(semiW, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)), 2); temp += Math.pow(semiH, 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)), 2); return (semiH * semiW) / (Math.sqrt(temp)); }
public void setAxes(double width, double height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; }
public void setCenter(double x, double y) {;; }
@Override public String toString() { return String.format( "----- Oval Properties ----- %15s (%.2f,%.2f) %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s %.2f %15s " + super.getColor(), "Center:", center.getX(), center.getY(), "Area:", getArea(), "Perimeter:", getPerimeter(), "Width:", width, "Height:", height, "Color:"); }
@Override public MyRectangle getMyBoundingRectangle() { return new MyRectangle(super.getX(), super.getY(), width, height, super.getColor()); }
@Override public ArrayList
@Override public void draw(GraphicsContext gc) { gc.setFill(super.getColor()); gc.setStroke(super.getColor()); gc.strokeOval(super.getX(), super.getY(), width, height); gc.fillOval(super.getX(), super.getY(), width, height); } } ... } }; Figure out a possible imlementation of such settled classes considering your reactions above; furthermore give and legitimize a limit on systems like updtx that works with the cost of implemntation. [5 marks] 3 (TURN OVER) CST.2009.5.4 3 Computer Design (a) Why are control-stream machines sensitive to memory get to dormancy? [4 marks] (b) What quantifiable properties of data access plans do holds exploit to diminish memory access latency? [4 marks] (c) What save line exchange approaches might be used for set-familiar and direct-arranged holds? [4 marks] (d) What are two make back plans for a store? [4 marks] (e) What does a snoopy save do in a twofold focus machine? [4 marks] 4 Computer Design (a) For a MIPS-32 processor executing a jump to subroutine, how are state and control passed between the limit and the visitor? Show what state is passed, but nuances of explicit register numbers are not required. [5 marks] (b) On the MIPS-32 processor the movement of control can be changed using branch or bounce rules, or by three distinct frameworks. What are the three other parts for changing the movement of control and what are they used for? [6 marks] (c) What is a control risk and what gear and programming techniques can be used to decide control risks? [5 marks] (d) Some direction sets make all headings contingent (for instance the ARM) or have prohibitive move bearings (for instance IA32). How should these contingent rules be used to avoid control gambles? [4 marks] 4 CST.2009.5.5 5 Concurrent Systems and Applications (a) Reflection. (I) Give Java code parts showing two remarkable ways to deal with getting a Class object that portrays an assortment of java.lang.Strings. [2 marks] (ii) Given an article x, form a Java enunciation that uses reflection to make another thing same datatype as x. [2 marks] (iii) The clone() strategy makes a copy article, including all of its fields. Immediately portray how you could implment this handiness using reflection, neglecting procured fields. Expect that the thing isn't a show, has a zero-conflict constructor, and contains simply rough fields. (You need not give code for a certifiable complete iplementation.) [4 marks] (b) Generics. (I) Suppose a class B is a subclass of A. Is the class Set a subclass of Set? Get a handle on why or why not, as to type prosperity. [2 marks] (ii) The default clone procedure returns an Object that ought to be cast to the right sort. Using generics, give an assertion of a static myclone system that takes a lone conflict type and returns a thing same type. [2 marks] (iii) The Contrastterface is used to contemplates. Its declaration is: interface Contrastr
event treatment of mouse events, including buttons for starting game and moving/down/left/right;
show of bitmap pictures (recommend use a couple of gigantic pictures for the establishment o whole game, and use a couple of little pictures for different things/cells in the aide, so the game looks capable and locking in);
various sheets, with an essential gaming board to show the game, notwithstanding no less than one sheets around the edges to show game decisions, score information, and control and help fastens, etc.;
a perfect division between the back-end (game engine) and front-end (GUI) classes using different Java pack names, as depicted beforehand;
Start by drawing several paper depicts GUI plan to build. Snap an image of each sketch, as necessary to integrate these as well 1 Compiler Construction (a) Give two supports for why a compiler is routinely isolated into passes (or stages) and show a normal plan of passes and the data structures passed between them. [4 marks] (b) nd run inside various projects, could differentiate from that of gathering an application and running it on different events on a lone machine. [2 marks] (c) Explain the difference between a scholarly party code and a aining a thing module. Exhibit the crucial plan object archive, for example ELF, highlighting the inspiration driving each section. Give assemblylevel or C-level code that produces entries in eachse regions. [7 marks] (d) Explain the exercises of a linker, the occupation of libraries and what makes certain object records directly executable. [4 marks] (e) Explain the qualification among static and dynamic interfacing giving one advantage of each. Which is by and large reasonable for an applet set aside on a site to be stacked into a program? [3 marks] 2 CST.2009.5.3 2 Compiler Construction Consider a ML-like language in which the game plan of values consolidates limits and these limits could have settled definitions. (a) Explain how a limit worth may be tended to at run-time, both in a syntaxtree middle person and in collected code. What is the importance word "settled" already? [3 marks] (b) Give a model program that gives different results in static and dynamic scrutinizing. For every circumstance, figure out how a middle person or assembled code may fill job application. [3 marks] (c) Considering simply static looking at from here on, get a handle on what restrictions are essential to implment work values without using an associate heap. Get a handle on the contemplations of static and dynamic chains, giving a delineation of a situation in which they contrast (for instance reference to some unsatisfactory one would get to the wrong component). Address how reviving (by errand to) a free component can be impleented. [5 marks] (d) Give an elective burden based implmentation for work values when the impediments somewhat (c) don't hold. Figure out how free factors (and particularly their update) can now be impemented. [4 marks] (e) Java commonly holds close by factors in stack housings and event factors on the stack. Consider a Java-like language with settled classes, and a potential program structure: class C { int f(int x) { class D { int addx(int y) { return x+y; } void updtx(int y) { x = y; } } ... } }; Figure out a likely imlementation of such settled classes considering your reactions above; furthermore give and legitimize an impediment on systems like updtx that works with the cost of implemntation. [5 marks] 3 (TURN OVER) CST.2009.5.4 3 Computer Design (a) Why are control-stream machines fragile to memory get to dormancy? [4 marks] (b) What quantifiable properties of data access plans do saves exploit to diminish memory access inactivity? [4 marks] (c) What save line exchange approaches might be used for set-familiar and direct-arranged holds? [4 marks] (d) What are two make back game plans for a store? [4 marks] (e) What does a snoopy save do in a twofold focus machine? [4 marks] 4 Computer Design (a) For a MIPS-32 processor executing a jump to subroutine, how are state and control passed between the limit and the visitor? Show what state is passed, but nuances of explicit register numbers are not required. [5 marks] (b) On the MIPS-32 processor the movement of control can be changed using branch or bounce rules, or by three unique frameworks. What are the three other parts for changing the movement of control and what are they used for? [6 marks] (c) What is a control risk and what gear and programming strategies can be used to decide control risks? [5 marks] (d) Some direction sets make all headings contingent (for instance the ARM) or have prohibitive move bearings (for instance IA32). How should these contingent rules be used to avoid control gambles? [4 marks] 4 6 Computer Vision (a) Extraction of visual highlights from pictures frequently includes convolution with channels that are themselves built from blends of differential administrators. One model is the Laplacian 2 2 x2 + 2 y2 of a Gaussian G(x, y) having scale boundary , creating the channel 2G(x, y) for convolution with the picture I(x, y). Make sense of exhaustively every one of the accompanying three administrator groupings, where implies two-layered convolution. (I) 2 [G(x, y) I(x, y)] [2 marks] (ii) G(x, y) 2 I(x, y) [2 marks] (iii)
2G(x, y)
I(x, y) [2 marks] (iv) What are the distinctions among their impacts on the picture? [2 marks] (b) In human vision, the photoreceptors liable for variety (cones) are various just close to the fovea, chiefly in the focal 10 degrees. In like manner high spatial goal is just tracked down there. So why does the visual world appear to us consistently hued? For what reason does it additionally appear to have uniform spatial goal? What suggestions and plan standards for PC vision may be drawn from these perceptions? [4 marks] (c) Outline a plan for achieving record of penmanship (not cursive, that is, with letters previously isolated). Make sense of the center modules in your framework, from low-level element extraction to undeniable level arrangement of letters. At the most significant level of the classifier, make sense of how the framework could utilize Bayesian techniques to consolidate master information like a vocabulary of real words and information about relative letter frequencies. [4 marks] (d) How can dynamic data about facial appearance and posture in video
Convert all many-to-different affiliations and ternary (three-way) relationship with cooperated parts. Attempt to show any seeing affiliations. Update: you don't have to name affiliations related with the pleasant parts.
Ensure every standard part has a sensible identifier.
Show as far as possible and least cardinality for every relationship.
Add identifiers where/if critical
Endeavor to show multivalued and composite ascribes. Ensure brand names are extraordinary.
Review that part names should be explicit things.
Boise Mountain is a surprising ski resort that needs an educational record. If nobody truly minds, draw the ERD utilizing the going with data: Our ski slant is partitioned into many ski runs. Each run is gotten to by one or no lift. Each lift allows to one of extra runs. Runs are depicted by their name, length, and burden. Lifts are secluded by lift name, sort of lift, number of seats and parts. A lift can have various elements.
Each lift is worked by one or different specialists, each worker could work none or various lifts. Workers all have the going with data kept conscious with the latest: specialist id, expert name including first and last name, DOB, work title, and select date. For each lift, one specialist is designtated to be the success official. Every specialist ought to be the flourishing authority for one lift (however some are not security specialists). Since the housing could need to manage basic winter weather patterns, the retreat has fanned out a levels of drive among the trained professionals. This levels of organization can be utilized to show a coordinated outline of the representatives (for every trained professional, we comprehend who is straightforwardly answerable for that specialist and the specialist that the specialist is obviously at risk for). arrangements (rather than simple actually outline picture data), be utilized in a face acknowledgment framework? Which center troublesome parts of face acknowledgment with still edges become more manageable with dynamic arrangements? Are a few viewpoints made more troublesome? [4 marks] 7 Advanced Graphics Depict, exhaustively, the radiosity technique for computing enlightenment. Guarantee that your response gives an outline of the calculation, portrays an implementable technique of working out structure factors, and makes sense of a proficient approach to emphasizing to an answer.
(a) Hidden Markov models (HMM) are generally utilized in Bioinformatics. (I) In a HMM when might you utilize the Baum-Welch calculation, and when the Viterbi calculation, and why? Give organically inspired models. [8 marks] (ii) Any AI model (like a HMM) for protein optional structure assurance or quality tracking down depends on finding trademark measurable properties of protein successions. Name a property (and legitimize your response) that assists with confining (and recognize) transmembrane portions and loops in a protein arrangement, or exon/intron limits in a genomic district. [2 marks] (b) Discuss the intricacy of a calculation to recreate a hereditary organization from microarray irritation information. [7 marks] (c) What is the distinction as far as availability between a without scale organization what's more, an arbitrary organization? Give organic instances of without scale organizations. [3 marks] 14 Denotational Semantics (a) State cautiously, without evidence, the sufficiency and ampleness results for PCF. (You really want not portray the grammar, functional and denotational semantics of PCF in any detail.) [3 marks] (b) Define the intelligent connection you would use in demonstrating sufficiency for PCF. State cautiously without verification the "crucial hypothesis" for the coherent connection. [5 marks] (c) Define logical comparability for PCF. [2 marks] (d) Explain cautiously the troubles in getting a completely theoretical denotational semantics for PCF. [7 marks] (e) Describe how PCF punctuation and functional semantics can be stretched out to get full deliberation. [3 marks] 13 (TURN OVER) CST.2006.9.14 15 Specification and Verification II A JK flip-flop has inputs J, K and a result Q, which is driven by a put away worth, what's more, conduct determined by the accompanying table. J K Q Qnext 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 X 0 1 0 X 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Accept that the put away worth is at first 0. (a) Describe the succession of results on Q in the event that the J and K information sources are 1 all the time. [2 marks] (b) Define a predicate JK with the end goal that JK(j,k,q) models the way of behaving of a JK flipflop. Depict and legitimize the sensible kind of JK. [6 marks] (c) Write down a conventional determination of a gadget COUNT with the end goal that the result at time t will be t mod 4. [2 marks] (d) Design an execution of COUNT utilizing JK back-peddles, depict how it works also, draw a graph of your plan. [4 marks] (e) How you could demonstrate that your plan meets its particular?
(a) Define the M/M/1 queueing model and infer the consistent state dispersion for the quantity of clients present when the traffic power is short of what one. [5 marks] (b) For the M/M/1 model in consistent state, determine the mean number of clients present and the interim spent by a client in the framework. What is the usage of the server? [5 marks] (c) Now think about the M/M/1/K queueing model with K limited and again determine the consistent state dissemination for the quantity of clients present. For what upsides of the traffic power does your consistent state dissemination exist? What is the usage of the server and make sense of how this analyzes for the M/M/1 queueing model. [5 marks] (d) Give an illustration of the utilization of the M/M/m/m misfortune model. Determine Erlang's recipe for the consistent state likelihood that a showing up client sees as all m servers involved.
The improvement chief of a site for online book-purchasing has asked you to
do a heuristic assessment of its ease of use. He has explicitly proposed the
three heuristics recorded beneath.
1. "There ought to be somewhere in the range of five and nine route choices on each page."
2. "There ought to be a decent match between the route buttons and the
clients' objectives."
3. "It ought to be simple for clients to change their arrangements."
(a) Has the chief gotten heuristic assessment wrong? Momentarily legitimize your
reply. [2 marks]
(b) Please remark on the over three heuristics proposed by the chief. For
every one of the proposed heuristics, your remarks ought to include:
(I) any hypothetical legitimization possibly in support this heuristic;
(ii) any extra assessment steps that may be expected in applying it; and
(iii) the probable effect of such assessment on the framework plan.
[6 imprints each]
2 VLSI Design
(a) What is double rail rationale? For what reason is it helpful in self-coordinated circuits? [4 marks]
(b) Using double rail rationale, sketch circuits for
(I) an inverter; [2 marks]
(ii) an AND entryway; [3 marks]
(iii) a restrictive OR entryway. [3 marks]
(c) The accompanying circuit shows a powerful double rail entryway:
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