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An angry coworker is expressing their needs through a rush of emotion and snide comments while another coworker is trying to interpret them to provide

An angry coworker is expressing their needs through a rush of emotion and snide comments while another coworker is trying to interpret them to provide some help and support.

  • You are a manager and are having a team meeting. Two people on the team get in a dispute about how to complete a project.
  • A customer leaves an unfair, negative review on an online site about services/products provided by your business.
  • You and your friend at work both apply for a management position. You are offered the position, but your friend is not. Now the situation feels uncomfortable between you two. Your friend is only speaking to you at work when necessary and is not speaking to you outside of work at all. You do not want to live with this tension, and you want your friend back.
  • You are part of a collaborative group with 4 members on the team who have been assigned to complete a project together. Your team meets, discusses the requirements of the assignment, and assigns tasks to each team member. Immediately, one team member begins emailing the team to ask questions that show that they do not understand what they are supposed to do, even after repeated emails to try to explain. When they turn in their part, the other team members note that it is poorly done. This individual did not do some of what was asked, and some of what they did do was not what they were asked to do or it was not even part of the assignment.

  • Do your own conflict-based scenario or use one from your own experiences. 
  • Describe the interaction/situation/problem. What inferences did you have to make, or what conclusions did you have to draw about the scenario?
  • Explain the issues you identified in the scenario. Which factors should be considered? What is the source of the conflict?
  • List the questions you asked yourself that demonstrate critical thinking. How did you address each question in your thinking process?
  • Propose how someone else might handle this scenario. How might someone with a different perspective come to a decision about this scenario? How might you collaborate with them to reach a mutual decision? Describe your thinking process.

Step by Step Solution

There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

Scenario Description Imagine a scenario where two colleagues Sarah and John are tasked with organizing a company event Sarah takes charge of coordinating vendors and sponsors while John is responsible ... blur-text-image

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