An electronics company purchases a particular component from two sources: Supplier A and Supplier B. The following statistics were gathered by testing a large number
1% of all components from Supplier A failed.
2% of all components from Supplier B failed.
After combining all components from these two suppliers in a large bin, the probability of randomly selecting a non-working component from Supplier A was 0.1%.
Answer these questions and show all of your work:
1. Given that a component did not fail, what is the probability that it came from Supplier A?
2. Given that a component failed, what is the probability that it came from Supplier B?
3. What is the ratio of the # failed components from Supplier B to the # failed components from Supplier A?
Step by Step Solution
There are 3 Steps involved in it
Step: 1
Solutions Step 1 Lets denote the events A Component is from supplier A B Component is from supplier B F Component failed F Component did not fail Also ...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
Step: 2
Step: 3
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