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Develop a one-week schedule for your Housekeeping employees. Using the Excel spreadsheet that is attached above, you will prepare a schedule for the week The

  1. Develop a one-week schedule for your Housekeeping employees.
  2. Using the Excel spreadsheet that is attached above, you will prepare a schedule for the week
    1. The day-by-day occupied rooms forecast has been given to you. Calculate the forecasted rooms occupied for each day.
    2. Using the Staffing guideline, on a separate worksheet tab, determine how many hours you will need to schedule each day.
    3. Add a column titled "Total Weekly Hours" for each employee that will allow you to see how many hours that are working.
    4. Using the information that is provided to you, prepare a schedule for the week. Staff should be scheduled for 8 hour shifts (but may be scheduled for fewer hours) and team members would prefer to have two consecutive days off, when possible. No overtime (over 40 hours a week) is allowed. You must use all the employee names listed.
    5. You must staff the hours as closely as possible to the staffing guide each day.
    6. Be sure to save your excel document.
  3. Next write a professionally formatted memo to your General Manager requesting approval of your schedule for the week. You should include rationale for your schedule and guidelines you followed. Memo templates are available in MS Word.
  4. Note: When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you will need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word document by "copy" and "paste as a picture" function.

HOSP 1015 - Managing the Hotel Guest Experience

Term Project

FORMAT Requirements (for ALL Sections of the Term Project)

Your paper must meet the following requirements. These are designed to allow you to submit a professional quality paper.

  1. Each paper must have a title page (sample below).
  2. Margins must be 1.5 inches on the top and bottom and 1 inch on each side.
  3. Each page must be numbered at the bottom of the page, centered, in the footer section of the page (Use Word Footer functionality). The Title Page is not numbered.
  4. Paper must be double spaced, with each paragraph beginning indented.
  5. There must be no spelling and no grammatical errors.
  6. The tone of the paper must be professional.
  7. Each paper must be submitted through Turnitin using the Turnitin link in the course as instructed by your professor.
  8. When using the Excel spreadsheet for parts of your assignment, you will need to insert the relevant parts of the spreadsheet into your Word document by copy/paste function.


HOSP 1015 Managing the Guest Experience

Scheduling Practice
200 Room Hotel

Steps in the Scheduling Process:

1 Calculate the number of occupied rooms based on the forecasted occupancy percent.
2 Apply the staffing guide to calculate the number of hours to be scheduled each day.
3 Enter the NUMBER OF HOURS (not the start and stop time) for the employees you schedule.

No Overtime (over 40 hours a week)

Two consequetive Days off for each employee

4 Save the Excel File.

5 Copy the Schedule into your approval memo (Word Document). As a PICTURE.
6 Complete your approval memo and submit.

Essential Elements:

Each section of your paper must be logically organized, based on the assigned items. It should be easy to read, and move sequentially through the content you are presenting. The "why" of your decisions is as important as the "what". You must be able to describe and defend the reason/thought process you used to arrive at your decision.

There is not necessarily a "right answer" to many of these points. Your performance on the paper will be based not so much on what you chose, but WHY you chose it. Was your choice logical and based on the facts available? Was your choice based on creating a competitive advantage? Hotel name is Omni San Fransico

For example, if you are presenting the location of your hotel. Why did you locate your hotel there? What are the advantages to this location and what will you do to maximize these? Are there any disadvantages and if so, what could you do to minimize them. It is important that you use any information that has been presented in the class to date, along with your knowledge.

Under no circumstances are you to use the term "as stated before" or "as stated above", and then repeat what you said earlier. This is both annoying an unprofessional.

Use professional terms, not slang. Assume you are writing this note to your investors or to your boss.

Title Page Example:

Johnson & Wales University

Title of Paper

Subtitle of Paper (if any)


Submitted in partial fulfillment of:

Course Number, Course Name

Professor's Name

Date Submitted

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