Do we drive technology, or does technology drive us? If technology drives us, what are the risks? The other side of the coin would be
Do we drive technology, or does technology drive us?
If technology drives us, what are the risks?
The other side of the coin would be that we are able to stay ahead of technological transformations. What does it take to ensure we can lead technology that transforms?
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Does the technology transformation drive us and our society, our ethics or morals, and our policies, or is the society able to stay ahead of the technology in terms of policy, standards, safety, use, etc.? What about the ethics and use of technology, such as hackers attacking a bank account of a corporation vs. an individual? In fact, so many commercials today center around updating internet technology. Should we?
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Driving Technology Who Leads Whom The relationship between humanity and technology is a complex interplay often debated as to whether we shape technology or if technology shapes us This dichotomy rais...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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