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I need help with this project for Acciounting application Project 2 Sports Authority In Project 2, you complete the Computer Accounting Cycle for Sports Authority,

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I need help with this project for Acciounting application

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Project 2 Sports Authority In Project 2, you complete the Computer Accounting Cycle for Sports Authority, a merchandising business. Sports Authority sells mountain bicycles, road bicycles, and children's bicycles. It is organized as a corporation. You purchased Sports Authority in December 2014. It is the purpose of Project 2 to review what you have learned in Chapters 12 through 15, Part 3 of Sage 50 Complete Accounting for Merchandising Businesses. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and inventory transactions are included in this project. Account reconciliation is also completed. Vendors offer Sports Authority a purchase discount of 2% 15, Net 30 days. Sports Authority is located in OR where there is no sales tax. At the end of Project 2, a checklist is shown listing the reports that you should have. The step-by-step instructions also remind you to print reports and back up. Follow these steps to complete Project 2, Sports Authority: Step 1: Start Sage 50. Step 2: If a company opens, from the menu bar, select File: New Company; Lo for keeping another company open, Next. (Or, from the startup window, select Create a new Company.) Step 3: Complete the following company information: Company Name: Sports Authority (use your last name, then the company name; for example Smith Sports Authority) Address Line 1: 8800 Mall Drive, Store 16 City, State, Zip: Eugene, OR 97401 Country: USA The MeGaraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting with Sage 50 Complete Accounting 2015, 18- 597E' Preje-etE: Sports alf'tutt'IEJII'itLI.Ir 5. Add the fellcmring employees. Emplpyee ID: ML a\" Name: Here Lewen Aeeept the default fer Empteyree , H H Address: S44? Clark Street ' City, ST p: Eugene, OR M402 E-mail: Heme phene: 541-555-3214 ' Seeial Security.r a. DEE-d-dt "* Type: FULL ' Wrtheldr'ng mm: *1. Filing Status: Married fer Federat and State Leea1 {Mantedeeh-Itly} Atlew; 2 for Federal, State and Local - Fay mm.- Salanr. $50!] per week. {Hint Remember to select Salary J as the Pay Method. Weeldy is the default-) a! Emplpyee ID: .JW H1 Marne: Jessica Wills Accept the default for Employee an Address: E512 Pine Street, Apt. 1C Sitar. ST Zip: Eugene. OR Sit-1M {h Email: jessinrnailhet " Heme phene: at-SSS-SSDS 1 Social Semnr #1 --t Type: FULL mm bedding lard: ' Filing Status: Manted fer Federal and State 1?\" Lapel [Marrieduetntm Allew: 2 far Federat. State and Leeal '. F's];r me.- Salanr. $500 per week. \"'3. a Sleeve. " I'm- W-l-III Fmpun'uas. hr... mum-mm \"if! Sage 5D Grimm demanding EDIE. 1'33- F'rojeot 2: Sports Audionty 511 5. Backup. Llee Sports llluthon'tjlr January as the le name. 6. Complete aeeount remndliation for the Midland Bank account. The JEHUHW 31. N15 bank statement is shown below. Statementeleemm 5mm lidlmd Barri: amp Mal DIE-re. Slur-e 1 Jmmrj-'I hhnmrrt 201:: Account m.21o-e22e13 Eupme. DR W101 REGLIJLFI EHFCIHNG ii it 1?.I'31 E14 ElJED mm; _ 1: create [-1. \"mm. DEPDSIT mm mm mm _ HEmE-{Hnlu' in ' mmdtnurrliereeqomcej 1.9.115 5t 1.I'1'In'f H1315 1I'11NIE l E 419.19 419.19 'IJ'MHE 1119.19- 11-15315} 1.11?E|.E- 'IPHHE tan in E '3 $51.50 113.19 _. UI \"E? E2 115 5113 1.I'3'|H'-5 ES E LII it? Print the following reports: 1- Print the General Ledger Trial Balance. 2. Print the Account Reconciliation report for the Midland Bank. WWENCmnpnni\".mmmmWImmw, Mr.- S12 Praject 2: Spurts Autherlty 3. Print the Inventory Ualuetien Repel-L .a -'-1-. Print the nancial statements: Balance Sheet. Income Statement. and Statement at Cash Flew. 5. Print the Cueten'rer Ledgers and Vdr Ledgers. 3. Back up- Use Sparta Authority Financial Statements as the le "\" HEIRS. 1". Expert the following reperts [e Excel: Chart ct Aceeunts. Custemer Ledgers. Vendor Ledgers. General Ledger Trial Balance, Accident \"\"r Reccncitiatien, Balance Sheet. ineerne Statement. Statement of Cash Flew. Use the le name Sparta Autherity_CefA_CL_VL_GLTB_ AcctRec_ES_lS_SCF.xlsx. 1 6. Save the tellewing reports as PDF tiles: Chart at Acccunts, Bustemer Ledgers, lutendcrs Ledger. General Ledger Tn'al Balanee, Acceunt Reconciliation, Balance Sheet, lnccrne Statement, and Statement at Cash Flew. t'r'wr instructor may require mere repene saved as FDF 1. les.) "l "I'llchbmwtll CarmwiestqumpuhwlcmunhgmJSEQemmlWWf 1'36 Project 2: Sports Authority 607 Inventory 1. Set up the following inventory defaults. On the General Tab select Stock item as the Default Item Class. 2. Click on the GL Accts/Costing tab. Set up LIFO as the inventory costing method. 3. Set up the following Inventory items. Item ID: mbikes Description: mountain bikes Item Class: Stock item Description for Sales: mountain bikes Price Level 1: 300.00 Last Unit Cost: 150.00 Cost Method: LIFO GL Sales Acct: 40000 Sales-Mountain Bikes GL Inventory Acct: 12000, Merchandise Inventory-Mountain Bikes GL Cost of Sales Acct: 50000, Cost of Sales-Mountain Bikes Item Tax Type Item Type: mountain Stocking U/M: each Minimum Stock: 10 Reorder Quantity: 5 Preferred Vendor ID: ABC Mountain Bikes Beginning Balances: mountain bikes Quantity: 40.00 Unit Cost: 150.00 Total Cost: 6,000.00 Item ID: rbikes Description: road bikes Item Class: Stock item Description for Sales: road bikes Price Level 1: 150.00 Last Unit Cost: 75.00 Cost Method: LIFO The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Computer Accounting wim Sage 50 Complete Accounting 2015, The-DB Project 2: Sparta Authority EL Sales eet; m, SalesReed Bikes EL lnventenr eet: \"120m. Inventory-Read Bikes GL Best of Sales Acct: 5002B, eet ef SalesReed Bikes W item Tax Type: 'I _ Item Type: reed ... Steeking Uil'ull: each i Minimum Sit-eh: 'tti Heerder Quantity: 5 Preferred Veneer ID: Empire Road Bikes egnning Balances Reed Bikes Quantity: t1 ' Unit IIIIIeet: i530 ""'H Tetel Beet: 8.251100 r --.. Item ll]: mikes : Deseriptien: child ren'e bikee 2 Item Bless: Steel: item Description for Sales: ehiltlren'e bikes Price Level i: S Last Unit Gust: 450D lBest Method: LIFE] {3L Sales. Amt: 4DDEI]. SeleeChiI-dren's Bikes , GL Inuentery Acct; 1203B, lnventeryhildren's Bikes Beet ef Selee Amt: 5003i]. eet ef Seleehildren'e Bikes Item Tax Type: 1 Item Type: children Ste-citing UIM: each Minimum Stuck: 1D Reorder Quantity: 5 _' Preferred 1-..I'-\\=,-1'1I::I-:nr ID: Tintr Tote il't'heels eginning Baiences: ehiidren'e bikes Quantity: EIELEIGI Unit eet: 453$ _H_ Total Cost 4,050.00 ' 4- Back up. Use Sparta Auti'tety Begin es the tilenerne- [1m era'nI-I-l Lian-panm_ Inr_. (immanent-MM; \"mt-Eng: SCI Cami-elem :13 f5. PEI:- Protect 2: Sports Authority BIB Journalize and post the following tans-actions: Date 103315 HUIHE NIFHE 1tEl?'.I'15 111E015 1t1'it15 1t12t'15 11144'15 1F1Ei'15 1I1Et'15 Dcscnptton of Transaction Issued pay ci'iecits 5001 and 5002 item Midland Bantu: for Jessica 1iI'ii'ills and Marc Lowen. Type the check number on the Payroll Entryr window. Invoice No. HA was received from ABC Mountain Bikes for 10 muntain bikes at $150 each. Invoice No. 001 was received from Tiny Tots Wheels for 15 children's hikes at $45 each. invoice No. EFt555 was received from Empire Ftoad Bikes tor 12 road bikes at $?5 each. Deposited cash sales of $2.5M: 4 mountain bikes, $1,200,- 5 road bikes. H50; 5 children's bikes. $?20. Cash sales are deposited in the Midland Bank account. {Hint Make sure the correct Estes account is credited.) Deposited cash sales of 51.050: 5 children's hikes, $450; 4 road bikes. $500; and 3 mountain bikes, $000. Issued pay checks 5003 and 5004 for Jessica 1ii'ii'ills and Marc Lowen. (Hint: If necessary comptets the Check Hamper tietd.) Sold one mountain bike to Deni Barton on account. Sales Irwoioe 101. [Hint Type the invoice number-in the touotoe Mo. 5eto'. t1F necessary, select Layout sPred'cned'a- Product as the Invoice type} Deposited cash sales of $1,020: 3 children's hikes, $2?0; 2 mountain bikes. $500; 'i" road bikes. $1,050. issued Check No. 50-05 to ABC Mountain Eiiices in payment of purchase Invoice No- rain. Complete the Checlc'Reference He. held. Issue media from the Midland Bani: aooount- [Ii-lake sure that the Discount Account eld shows 50500 for Purchase Discounts.) \"1-0- MBGPEIW-l'l Gamma-5.. Inc... Wrm'ingumugg Sin-Chaim Amino 2015, J''u- E19 Prefect 2: Sports Au'izprity purchase Invoice Mo. ER555. 1I1Elr'15 Issued Ci'ieck Nu. EDD? tn Tiny Torts Wheelie in payment at | | 1r'13u'15 issued Check Me. 5003 to Empire Road Bikes in payment of purchase Inyoice No. 551- 1I1Elr'15 Issued pay checks 5555 and 5555 for Jessica Wills and Marc Lowen. 1E3r'15 Issued Check Ho. 5015 to Gillespie Rentals for $1.355 in payment of mail space rent for Sports Authority. {Hint Remember to complete the check-I'Referegce Ne. eld} 11'24r'15 Depnsitecl cash Sales Elf $3,31: B mountain bikes, $1,301}; 3 road bikes. $511255. 5 children's bikes. $515. 1E5r'15 Sold one children's hike to Sherry Watson on account Sales Invoice 102. (Hint: Type the reverse number in the Invoice Nd eld.) 1H1 5 Invoice No. 5515- was reosiyed from ABC Mountain Bikes for three mountain bikes at $155 each- 11"25r'15 Invoice No. 552 was received from Tiny Tots Wheels for ve children's hikes at $45 each. 1r'25r'1 5 invoice No. ERTDE was received from Empire Road Bikes for re road bikes at $?5 eaoh. 1i'25f15 Deposited cash sales of $3,241]: 5 mountain bikes. $1.555; 5 road bikes, $1305: 5 children's bikes. $545. 1:251'15 Issued pay checks 5511 and 5512 for Jessica Wills and Marc Lowen. 1i'23f15 Issued Check. ND. 5D13 to: Jan Leretlefur $245 in payment of Short-Term Notes Payable. 1f25I15 Issued Check No. 5514 to Midland Bank for $115.55 in payment of LongTerm Notes Payable. 1f3r'15 Issued Check ND. E'i to Public Utilities fr $225.55 in payment of utilities. The III-33%| Commas... Inc.. Carmellrmin'pnrpe 50 Illa-mm 2515. THE Telephone: 541-555T533 Fax: 541-555-T535 Business Type: Corporation Federal Employer ID: Sta3314453 State Employer 10: itT1 393-11 State Unempioyment iD: 24313245 Wet: Site: meportsau'loritycom E-mail: mailspoitssuthoritycom Step 4: Accept the default for Use a sample business type that ctosely matches your company- Step 5: Scroll down the list In the Detailed types list. select Retail Company. (Hint: Account numbers have fare {5} digits.) Step 5: Accept the default for Accma! accounting- Step 7-\"; Accept the default for Real Time posting. Step 3-. Accept the default for '12 monthly amounting periods. Step 9: The Choose the rst period of your scal year window appears- it necessary. select 2m 5 as the year. Step 1i]: At the You are ready to create your company 1window, click -_ 1.Iluihen the Sage 5i} Semp Guide window appears. click on the box net-rt to Don't shopr this screen at startup to place a checltrnarh in it. Close the Setup Guide window. 1Illilatch the Getting Started videos. Close the Sage Adviser Getting Started window. Step 11'. ll'.':hanige the accounting - -nod to 1-J-an tilt, 2015 to Jan 31. General Ledger 1. Delete the accounts shot-m DEIUW and on the next page. WWII] Petty Gash 191m] Cash on Hand 'I he sustain-Mil Gui-numeral. Irr_. Contours-r meningeal-reaps EU WWW KITS. 1'39 Project 2: Sports Authority 550 10500 Payroll Gite-citing Arum-uni 11500 Allowance for Doubtful Account 14200 Notes Receivable-Current 15400 Leasehold Improvements 15500 Building 15500 Building Improvements 15500 Land 130-100 Accum. Depreciation - Leasehold 1T500 Accum. Depreciation - Building 110300 Accurn. Depreciation - Bldg imp 15000 Deposits 15200 Note ReoeiuahleNonoun'r at 15500 Elmer Normrrent Amara; 23000 ensued Expenses 24200 I[tment Portion Long-Tor 'lebl 50500 Amm'tizaiion Expense . 53000 llit-ll'maritalale Eonbibutions a 53500 Commissions and Fees _ 55000 Employee Benet Prcgr as Exp 55000 GiFts Expense 55000 Laundry and Cleaning i J" 55000 Elmer Expense Change these aeootmt' names? 10200 Regular Che-ring Aooouot to Midland Bani: 10400 Settings spec-pot to Northwest Savings 5 Loan 12000 Product Inventory to inventory-Mountain Bitter. 14000 Prepaid Expenses to Prepaid Insurance 23300 Deductions Payable to Medicare Employee Taxes Payabl 24000 Either Taxes Payable to Soc. Sec. Employee Taxes Payal: 24100 Employee Benets Payable to Soc- Sec. Employer Taxes Payee 24300 Other Current Liabilities to Elton-Terra Notes Payable 3000 Notes Payable-Normrrent to Long-Tenn Notes Payable 00000 SelesI'yierchandise to Sales-Mountain Biltes 50000 Cost of Goods Sold to Cost of Bales-Mountain Bikes T2500 Penaies and Fines Exp to FLITA. Expense 23000 Either Taxes to SUTA Expense 24000 Rent or Lease Expense to Rent-Mall Spaee Add these accounts; 12020 Inventory-Road Bikes Inventory 12030 Inventory-Children's Bilces Inventory 23350 Medicare Employer Taxes Payapl I:Ztther Current Liabilities The WWHIIE-omly Inc..0m1.bcser.scceuwmhm Emmimsws Ami-1502015, 1-03- EDD Project 2: Sports Authority d Sales-Reed Bikes Inserrle 40031) Sales-Children's Bikes Income 50020 Cast of SalesRead Bikes (205th Sales __ SDDED Cast of Salesthildren's Bikes Best of Sales _" EEG-D See. See. Expense Expenses T3300 Meal-Ire Expense Expenses \"'1. H.351] Laeal Payrelt Taxes Expense Expenses -- -- ----.L h 2. Heel: up. Use Sports Anti-rarity Chart of Accounts as the le name. . ' 3. Record chart of amounts beginning bslanees as at December 31, ~- 2014. - "we. Emits Authority. Bale-me Sheet Janu- 'I. 21315 .-~._.. m _ -~' _ . @ -~- _ \"x ~ - LIABILITlES mp smexamnees' sewn _ ' __ a. . a. _ set-mm ...L- 4- Print the December 31.2U14 balance sheet. Save the Project 2 Dee - 31, EDM Balance Sheelas a F'DF le. -- . H'. The HEW-Ill mm. In: . WWW \"W1 3995 mmEl-Mml'. TH Project 2: Sports Authority 601 __ a 5- East: up. Use Eports Authority Starling Balance Sheet as the le name. Accounts Payable Follow the instructions below to set up vendor inton'nation for Sports Authority. 1. Set up the following vendor defaults. Standard Iern'is: Due in number of days Net due in: 30 days Diseount in: T5 days Discount 'i-IE. 2.00 Credit Limit 15,000.00 GI. Link Assoonts' Expense Account: 12000 InventoryMountain Elites Discount GL Aeoount: 50500 Purchase Discounts 2. Set up the following vendors- Vendor ID: A831 11 Name: ABC Mountain Bikes Contact: Arlene Glassmsn Mailing Address: 1439 Sunset Drive City. ST zip: Los Angedes. CA 000??! 1trendor Type: mountain 1000 Type: Independent Contractor Expense Account 12000, Intrantoryl'lillountain Bikes Telephone 1: 310-555-Tr10 Fax: 310-555?034 E-Mail inforgahcmountainbiltesmet Web Site: wan-unabashed htainolkesnet Porchsse info: "\" Tax \"3 Number: 4343354322 Vendor ID: EHB112 Marne: Empire Road Bikes The htGmullll Cumin-lies. Irr_. ampiirl'ercmunorrg m WWWWWF fit": EIDE Project 2: Sports Authority Contact: David Bertels Mailing Address: 3401 East Seoond Avenue City, ST zip: El Peso, TI. T6315 llii'eridor Type: read 1039 Type: Independent IISonlsraoltor Expense Amount.- 12020, inventory-Road Bikes Telephone 1: QiEEEHED Fax: 915555-6501 Emsil: empire@rosdbikes.oorn Web Site: mmmadbilteseem Purchase info: Tax II] Number. SIB-9343443 1ii'endor ID: 'I'I'W1 13 Name: Tiny Tots Wheels Contact: Michael Hopkins Mailing Address: 31m] Aspen Street City. ST Ep: Flagstaff, A2 35001 1-.I'endor Type: children t Type: Independent Connector Expense Aooount 12030. Inventory-Ghildren's Bikes Telephone 1-. 9235553185 Fax: 923a55531B? Email: infoitinybotswheeisbiz 1.I'Ii'eb Site: mmtinytotswneelsbiz Purchase Defaults: Tax. ID Number: -WHM Accounts. Receivable Follow these steps to set up oustemer information for Sports Authority. 1. Set up the following customer defaults. Standard Tem'rs: Due in number of days Met due in: 3D days Duoount in: I] dare Discount \"5-51: [1.00 The WHill'nmnii-a. he. WMMUTu rmrmatem AmullI-IEE'DIE. Inu- II-_ .u-u' Credit Limit: GL Sales Amunt: Discount EL Assn-uni: Custemer ID: Marne: Billing address: City. ST Eip: IKinetic-mm type: Telephene 1: Fem: Ernait Web site: Sails-s infe: GL sales. sleet Eusturner ID: Name: Billing address: City, ST EipI: Customer type: Telephnne 1: Fax: Email: Web site: Saies Info: E'rL sales sect ustumer ID: Name: Biiling address: City. ST zip: Bust-2mm type: Telephsne 1: Fax: E-mail: Wei:- site: PrejestE: Srteu'ity 603 5,000.00 40000 SsiesMsuntein Bikes 40000 Sales Discounts . Set up the fullewing eustemers. DB001 Deni Baden 0034 Gllege Avenue Eugene. CIR 0T402 LAME [fer Lane Gaunty} 541-555-3302 5416553430 nerteneugeneeem wwweugsneeemibarten 40000, SeiesMeuntain Bikes RL002 Risk Larsen 0334 Temple Drive Eugene. DE 0?404 LANE 541-555-0403 541555-2205 rickleugeneenm unmareugenemmiiarn 40020. Beleseed Bikes SW003 Sheri}.r Watson 15 Valiey Lane Eugene, OR QT401 LANE 541-555-5240 541555-5250 watseneugeneenm wweugeneedmfsherry The Mnmw Hi Ema-lies. |nr_. Warm-mm um Raga mmmmad fag \fProject 2: Sports Auority 555 "' es. - .. ,-.. 2. For entering employee and employer default infonnation, refer to pages 553,555 Lisa the Employee Fields shown below. , Field Name at Amount Fer:l_lnoorne 23400, Federal Payroll Taxes Payable "' Soe_Seo 24000. Soo. See. Employee Taxes Payable " H' MEDICARE 23355, Medicare Employee Taxes Payable P 'we st_rneema sss00, State Payroll Taxes Payable 3. Use ll're Compaanields shown below- , In, Field Liability column Expense solemn Soe_See_5 24155. Soc. See. Employer T3255. See- See. _~ ' \"\" Taxes Payable Expense . -. "* Mediesre_C 23355 Medicare T3355, Medicare Employer Taxes Payable Expense l4. h Fed_Unemp_C- 23555. FLITA. Tax T2555, FUTA _ _ Payable Expense H Loe_|noome5 23-555, Loeal Payroll T3555, Looal Payroll 'L Taxes Payable Taxes Expense - St_L|'nen1p_C 23:50, SUTA Payable T3555, SUTA Expense - 4. Refer to pages 555-555 to oornplete the Payroll Setup Wizard's Taxes .* ' and Assign Tax Fields. e. Compare your Assign Tax Fields for W2s to page 55?. b- compare your Assign Company-Paid Tax Fields to page 55?- The State Special a eld shows Loo inoome. 0. Compare EmployeePaid State Texas to page 555. 'llIBI'llo'lS'ilt-i'l Dent-arise. IrlLrl. denmbhgnmmge H WW 2515.. THE Project 2: Sports Authority INTRODUCTION It's now time to complete your second graded project, which is called \"Project 2: Sports Authority.\" Take time to read the instructions carefully. Complete your work accurately and be sure to check it thoroughly when you complete it. This project will be submitted for grading. PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS \"Project 2: Sports Authority\" is found on pages 597-614 of your textbook. Sports Authority sells bicycles and is organ- ized as a corporation. You purchased Sports Authority in December 2014. First, read through the project to become familiar with the tasks you're required to do. Refer back to Chapters 12-15 for a review of Accounting for a Merchandising Business if you're unsure how to perform an assigned task. This project is very similar to what you've been doing throughout these chapters. 1. Complete Steps 1-11 on pages 597-598 as instructed in the textbook. 2. Complete Steps 1-5 for the General Ledger on pages 598-601. 3. Complete Steps 1 and 2 for Accounts Payable on pages 601-602. 4. Complete Steps 1-2 for Accounts Receivable on pages 602-604. 5. Complete Steps 1-6 for Payroll on pages 604-606. 6. Complete Steps 1-4 for Inventory on pages 607-608. 7. Journalize and post the transactions on pages 609-611. 77 Graded Project Graded Project 8. Complete the account reconciliation on page 611. 9. Complete Steps 1-8 for Printing the Reports on pages 611-612. Please note the following important points: You are to export the following reports to an Excel file: Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows When creating the Excel file for the Balance Sheet, under the File Option, select the Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook option. To name the file, use your Student Number, followed by an underscore, and then first six digits of the exam number. For example: 12345678_061590 (Your student id_exam number). When creating the Excel file for the Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows, under the File Option, select Add a new worksheet to an existing Microsoft Excel workbook. Click Browse to find and select the file you just created to add the Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows as new worksheets in the already existing file that contains the Balance Sheet. The time frame to be used for both reports is the current period default (01/1/15 thru 01/31/15). It isn't necessary to export the other statements. They aren't being graded. Only the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flows will be used for grading purposes. Once the Excel file for the project has been created, follow the instructions for \"Submitting Your Work\" for your project to be graded. 78 Computer Applications in Accounting SUBMITTING YOUR WORK Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your assignment. 2. Go to and log onto the site. 3. At your student portal, click on Take an Exam. 4. In the box provided, enter the examination number. The number for this project is 06159000. 5. Click on Submit. 6. On the next screen, enter your e-mail address. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 7. If you wish to tell your instructor anything specific regarding this assignment, enter it in the Comments box. 8. Attach your file as follows: a. Click on the first Browse box. b. Locate the file you wish to attach. c. Double-click on the file. 9. Click on Submit. GRADING CRITERIA The Excel file for Project 2: Sports Authority consists of three financial statements. The following rubric reflects the value for each financial statement: Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Cash Flows Total 50 points 30 points 20 points

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