In this scenario you are the Manager of a Home and Community Care organization in Victoria. Your organization provides oversees support services for individuals in
In this scenario you are the Manager of a Home and Community Care organization in Victoria. Your organization provides oversees support services for individuals in their homes. The individuals that utilize your organization are individuals living in their own homes who require emotional, social and physical support. You are responsible for the management of a team of care workers who provide day to day support to the clients. The day to day support also includes coordinating a variety of community services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy and psychology. You have received a complaint from a service user Louise. Louise has stated that a staff member Matilda has treated Louise differently to other residents because she doesn't agree with Louise's religion.
1. Identify how you would monitor these areas for future compliance
2.Identify how you can maintain your own knowledge of compliance requirements
3.Identify how you can communicate updated knowledge of compliance requirements.
Step by Step Solution
There are 3 Steps involved in it
Step: 1
Addressing the complaint from Louise about Matildas behavior requires a thorough approach to monitoring maintaining knowledge of compliance requirements and communicating updates effectively Heres how ...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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Step: 2
Step: 3
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