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PART 1: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY: Describe the key digital technology groups studied in this course and include a discussion of two examples for each group. PART

PART 1: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY: Describe the key digital technology groups studied in this course and include a discussion of two examples for each group. 

PART 2: SOCIAL MEDIA: As studied in this course, discuss how businesses are using three of the more popular social media sites and discuss how they might deal with any negative consequences of social media in the workplace? 

PART 3: BUSINESS REPORTS: As studied in this course, describe what constitutes a proper business proposal and include the different sections that should be in a business proposal. 

PART 4: CULTURAL DIVERSITY: As studied in this course, if a company were to create a blog or webinar for an audience of a different culture, what might they need to take into consideration? Discuss at least three different ways that the company may need to be culturally sensitive.


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