Use least square regression to fit a straight line to the following data taken from the conductance (S/m) of a material with respect to
Use least square regression to fit a straight line to the following data taken from the conductance (S/m) of a material with respect to temperature (C) of a composite material used to absorb heat. Determine the conductance C(t) at the temperature of T = 21.5C using the derived linear regression function and the correlation coefficient r. (Answers should be in 2 decimal places) X f(x) 2.5 7 x y Blank 1 Blank 2 Blank 3 3.5 6.5 Blank 4 Blank 5 Blank 6 in 5 5.9 Blank 7 Blank 8 Blank 9 6 4.8 Blank 10 Blank 11 Blank 12 7.5 4.5 Blank 13 Blank 14 Blank 15 10 10 4 Blank 16 Blank 17 Blank 18 12.5 2.9 Blank 19 Blank 20 Blank 21 15 2.5 Blank 22 Blank 23 Blank 24 17.5 2.1 Blank 25 Blank 26 Blank 27 20 sum x Blank 31 1.3 sum y Blank 32 Blank 28 Blank 29 Blank 30 sum x sum y sum xy Blank 33 Blank 34 Blank 35 X (ave) - Blank 36: Y (ave) - Blank 37: A-Blank 38: A-Blank 39;r-Blank 40 f(21.5)-Blank 41
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To determine the conductance C t Ct Ct at the temperature T 21 5 C T 215circ C T215C using the derived linear regression function and the correlation coefficient r r r we need to fit a straight line t...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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