The compound methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE) has been used extensively as a gasoline additive. If 100 kg of this compound were accidentally spilled into a
The compound methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE) has been used extensively as a gasoline additive. If 100 kg of this compound were accidentally spilled into a lake over the course of a summer, calculate the concentrations in water, sediment, and fish (neglect volatilization) that would result. Assume that the volume of the lake is 8 * 10 7 m 3 , the organic solids loading is 20 ppm, and the fish loading is 2 kg per 10 4 m 3 . Assume that the lake is well mixed.
a. What are the concentrations in water, sediment, and fish?
b. What fraction of the MTBE would be found in the sediment?
c. What fraction would be found in the fish?
d. If you swallowed 1 L of water during a day while waterskiing, how much MTBE would you ingest?
Soil adsorption coefficient: 11.56 L/kg
Bioaccumulation factor: 3.162 L/kg wet-wt
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Step: 1
ANSWER a To calculate the concentrations in water sediment and fish we need to use the following equations Mass of MTBE in the lake 100 kg Volume of t...See step-by-step solutions with expert insights and AI powered tools for academic success
Step: 2
Step: 3
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