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Write you script for creating the required tables In the Care One hospital each patient is assigned to just one doctor. Each doctor can visit

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  1. Write you script for creating the required tables

In the "Care One" hospital each patient is assigned to just one doctor. Each doctor can visit many or zero patients. The following image illustrates a small part of this hospital. Please create a schema with name of "careone", then add these two tables. You should insert 4 doctors and 6 patients in this database (just mockup information). All of the creations and insertions should be done by writing queries. The queries should contain the Data Definition, constraints, primary key, foreign key, Data manipulation, etc. The relationship type should be applied as constraints Please submit your script as a txt file. ID Doctor FNAME LNAME Specialization Phone ||+ ID FNAME OLNAME Patient Insurance Doctor ID

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Create the careone schema CREATE SCHEMA careone Create the doctors table CREATE T... blur-text-image
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