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You are considering purchasing a restaurant franchise. You have projected that the franchise will earn $120,000 in profits the first year, and that those


You are considering purchasing a restaurant franchise. You have projected that the franchise will earn $120,000 in profits the first year, and that those profits will grow 19.1% per year for the next 5 years, 10.9% per year for the 4 years after that, and 6.3% per year for every subsequent year. You also project that you will own the franchise for a total of 20 years, at which point you will be able to sell it for $7,670,000. If you need the investment to return at least a 13.7%, what is the most you will be willing to pay for the franchise? (20 points total)

Step by Step Solution

3.45 Rating (158 Votes )

There are 3 Steps involved in it

Step: 1

To determine the maximum amount you should be willing to pay for the franchise well need to calculate the present value of all the projected cash flow... blur-text-image
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