Suppose you and a friend are stranded on an island and must gather firewood and catch fish to survive. Through experience, you know that if
You and your friend decide that you should each specialize so that one person catches fish while the other gathers firewood. But who should do which task?
a. What is the opportunity cost for you to gather an additional bundle of firewood? What is your friend's opportunity cost of gathering an extra bundle of firewood?
b. Assuming that you and your friend specialize, what allocation of tasks maximizes total output for your one day of joint effort?
c. Suppose you both decide to work for two days according to the allocation in part (b). What is the total amount of output? What would it have been had you chosen the reverse allocation of tasks?
Fish Firewood (bundles) You Your friend
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They should think through the computation of opportunity cost and also in showing how the allocation ...83% of Economics Students Improved their GPA!
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