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The EastCoasters Bicycle Shop stocks bikes; helmets; clothing; a variety of bike parts including chains, gears, tires, wheels; and biking accessories. The shop is in

The EastCoasters Bicycle Shop stocks bikes; helmets; clothing; a variety of bike parts including chains, gears, tires, wheels; and biking accessories. The shop is in a storefront location on a busy street and it has very limited storage space for inventory. It often runs out of items and is unable to serve customers. To help manage its inventory the shop would like to classify the stock using the ABC system. Following is a list of items the shop stocks and the annual demand and unit value for each:

The EastCoasters Bicycle Shop stocks bikes; helmets; clothing; a

Classify the inventory items according to the ABC approach using dollar value of annualdemand.

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Step: 1

Class Items Quantity Value Value Quantity A 4 ... View full answer

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