Val's Pizza is looking for a single central location to make pizza for delivery only. This college town is arranged on a grid with arterial
Val's Pizza is looking for a single central location to make pizza for delivery only. This college town is arranged on a grid with arterial streets, as shown in Figure 10.10. The main campus (A), located at 14th and R, is the source of 4000 pizza orders per week. (Note: minor streets, such as R St., are not shown on the map.) Three smaller campuses (B, C, and D) are located at 52nd and V, at 67th and Z, and at 70th and South. Orders from the smaller campuses average 1000 pizzas per week. In addition, the police station (E) at 10th and A orders 500 pizzas per week.
a. At about what intersection should Val start looking for a suitable site? (Estimate coordinates for the major demands accurate to the nearest 0.25 kilometre, and then find the centre of gravity.)
b. What is the rectilinear weekly weighted-distance score for this location?
c. If the delivery person can travel 1 kilometre in 2 minutes on arterial streets and 0.25 kilometre per minute on residential streets, going from the centre of gravity location to the farthest demand location will take how long?
km 1 km North boundary VSt 0 St G St. D 1st Ave 14th Ave 27th Ave. 40th Ave. South St. 56th Ave 70th Ave South boundary
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