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Consider a game in which N children position themselves at equal distances around the circumference of a circle. At the center of the circle is
Consider a game in which N children position themselves at equal distances around the circumference of a circle. At the center of the circle is a rubber tire. Each child holds a rope attached to the tire and, at a signal, pulls on his rope. All children exert forces of the same magnitude F. In the case N = 2, it is easy to see that the net force on the tire will be zero, because the two oppositely directed force vectors add to zero. Similarly, if N = 4, 6, or any even integer, the resultant force on the tire must be zero, because the forces exerted by each pair of oppositely positioned children will cancel. When an odd number of children are around the circle, it is not so obvious whether the total force on the central tire will be zero.
(a) Calculate the net force on the tire in the case N = 3, by adding the components of the three force vectors. Choose the x axis to lie along one of the ropes.
(b) What If? Determine the net force for the general case where N is any integer, odd or even, greater than one. Proceed as follows: Assume that the total force is not zero. Then it must point in some particular direction. Let every child move one position clockwise. Give a reason that the total force must then have a direction turned clockwise by 360°/N. Argue that the total force must nevertheless be the same as before. Explain that the contradiction proves that the magnitude of the force is zero. This problem illustrates a widely useful technique of proving a result “by symmetry”—by using a bit of the mathematics of group theory. The particular situation is actually encountered in physics and chemistry when an array of electric charges (ions) exerts electric forces on an atom at a central position in a molecule or in a crystal.
(a) Calculate the net force on the tire in the case N = 3, by adding the components of the three force vectors. Choose the x axis to lie along one of the ropes.
(b) What If? Determine the net force for the general case where N is any integer, odd or even, greater than one. Proceed as follows: Assume that the total force is not zero. Then it must point in some particular direction. Let every child move one position clockwise. Give a reason that the total force must then have a direction turned clockwise by 360°/N. Argue that the total force must nevertheless be the same as before. Explain that the contradiction proves that the magnitude of the force is zero. This problem illustrates a widely useful technique of proving a result “by symmetry”—by using a bit of the mathematics of group theory. The particular situation is actually encountered in physics and chemistry when an array of electric charges (ions) exerts electric forces on an atom at a central position in a molecule or in a crystal.
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a Let T represent the force exerted by each child The x compone...
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