Dispute Resolution Policy


The Dispute Resolution Policy ensures transparency and clarity in managing your account and the services offered by SolutionInn. It provides comprehensive guidelines for effectively resolving disputes, promoting fairness and a satisfactory experience on our platform.

We aim to have positive relationships between tutors and students, with smooth project interactions. Sometimes, disagreements can arise about the work submitted or payment issues. We strongly advise you to first try to resolve these matters directly with your student/tutor in a professional manner.

If resolution attempts are unsuccessful, both tutors and students have the option to initiate a formal dispute process. To ensure a valid dispute, it is essential to adhere to the specified prerequisites outlined below.

Dispute Initiation Criteria for Students and Tutors

When it comes to initiating a dispute, both students and tutors have the right to address any concerns or issues that may arise during their collaboration. Here are the criteria for filing a dispute:

For Students:

  1. Work Contradictions: The student can file a dispute against the tutor's work, due to the following reasons:
    • Work not completed within the deadline, or delivered late
    • Mistakes, errors, inaccuracies and lack of explanation
    • Plagiarized or copied work
    • Failure to follow instructions and requirements
    • No communication or reply by the tutor after hiring
  2. Timeframe & Project state: There is no defined time-limit for initiating a dispute, irrespective of whether the proposal is labeled as "Closed" or "Completed". A student has the right to file a dispute within 2 months of hiring a tutor.

For Tutors:

  1. Work Contradictions: The tutor can file a dispute on any work related contradictions on the following reasons:
    • Failed to provide necessary information
    • Additional details were not provided as claimed
    • Reduction in deadline after hiring
    • Added further requirements
  2. Timeframe & Proposal State: There is no specific time-limit for initiating a dispute after delivering the proposal to the student, regardless of the proposal's status. The tutor can initiate the invoice anytime after hiring. However, the payment will be released after 10 days of last communication by the student, and the countdown will reset if the student sends a message.

Project Dispute Filing Process

To ensure a fair resolution, it is recommended to resolve the issue with a mutually agreed-upon satisfaction before filing a dispute. If the matter remains unresolved, the Student or the Tutor have the option to file a dispute regarding the project. Once you have submitted the dispute, you will be able to monitor its progress at any time, by logging into your account.


Once the dispute has been initiated, the student and tutor are provided with a two-day period to negotiate and mutually resolve the terms of the dispute. During this time, both parties have the opportunity to modify the refund amount and terms. However, only the party that initiated the dispute holds the authority to cancel it. Both parties are allowed to exchange supporting documents, files, or correspondences to support their positions and facilitate a mutually agreeable resolution.


In case no agreement is reached within the two-day negotiation period, the dispute will proceed to a mediation process facilitated by a SolutionInn mediation specialist. During this phase, the mediator will provide an impartial decision that is final and independent of previous negotiation attempts.


The SolutionInn mediator makes the resolution under the following conditions:

  1. When the dispute is resolved in favor of the tutor, the project amount will be transferred to him/her. No fine is charged to the student in this case.
  2. In case of a valid student dispute, the following deductions are made from the tutor's pending earnings:
    1. The service fee is deducted and is calculated as $5 or 15% of the project amount (whichever is greater).
    2. The refund fee , which is $50 or 15% of the milestone amount along bonus (whichever is greater), is deducted if a partial or full refund is issued due to policy violations or failure to meet students' requirements.
  3. When a partial refund is issued, both the student and tutor will receive the agreed-upon partial amounts. The tutor's pending earnings will be subject to a refund fee of $50 or 15% of the milestone amount (whichever is greater) in the following cases:
    1. The tutor completes only part of the work, resulting in a settlement for less than the full project amount.
    2. The work provided by the tutor is unsatisfactory, resulting in a settlement for less than the full project amount.

The following conditions apply for processing the refund to the tutor:

Decision Service Fee Refund Fee
Partial Refund $5 or 15% of the project amount (whichever is greater). $50 or 15% of the milestone amount (whichever is greater).
Full Refund $5 or 15% of the project amount (whichever is greater). $50 or 15% of the milestone amount (whichever is greater).
No Refund $5 or 15% of the project amount (whichever is greater). Does not apply.


When work has been revoked / cancelled by the student after hiring a tutor, no refund fee is applied.