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Transformers are used at various points in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy e.g generator transform step up the output voltage of the generator
Transformers are used at various points in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy e.g generator transform step up the output voltage of the generator to transmission level, transmission transformers provide interconnection between grid networks of different voltages, bulk supply transformers provide supplies to regional supply companies, distribution transformers provide electricity to commercial and domestic customers and current transformers are used to detect overloads and operate protective devices.
You are required to identify two of these transformers and compare their construction you should include information on core construction winding arrangement, insulation, number of phases and mode of connection (wye/delta), cooling, tertiary windings, ancillary equipment, voltage range and voltage and power ratings.
Draw the diagram of connections and phasor diagrams for your chosen transformers and use them to illustrate line and phase voltages and phase deference between input and output
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Distribution transformer The singlephase distribution transformer consists of a primary winding and a secondary winding wound on a laminated steel core If the load is disconnected from the secondary w...
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