1. May a person do whatever he or she wants with his or her own body, so long as he or she consents to it?
1. May a person do whatever he or she wants with his or her own body, so long as he or she consents to it? May a person sacrifice his or her life to save another’s, end his or her own life (with or without help), or even agree to be killed and eaten? Why or why not?
2. According to philosopher Robert Nozick, when the government takes even a dollar from bill gates, a billionaire, and gives it to a poor person, it is like forcing gates to work for the poor person. Is Nozick right to think that redistributive taxation is like forced labor? Should there be no redistributive taxation whatsoever? As always: Why?
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1 Ethics and Literature Individual decisions may sometimes rule It is important to note that one may decide to do what he or she thinks is right It is also wise to note that personal decision will be ...83% of Social Sciences Students Improved their GPA!
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