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Analysis of operations management strategic decisions at a large multinational company (MNC). You need to select one of the 11 companies listed to research, evaluate

Analysis of operations management strategic decisions at a large multinational company (MNC). You need to select one of the 11 companies listed to research, evaluate and present information on the "how and why" the company's senior leadership team employed the ten strategic operations management decisions to support and execute their company mission, strategy, core values and the execution of specific strategic decisions to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in their industry. Specifically, your company analytical report/paper must include the following: 1. A brief but information executive summary—overview of the company or enterprise. Provide some historical data, as well as the essential elements of information (EEI) on the size/scope/scale—key sales revenue, countries/locations, employees, and product or service offerings. 2. For your analysis and report you need to address/discuss in some detail 6 of the 10 OM strategic decisions in your paper. 3. Provide a brief summary of your analysis and findings. 4. Please provide sources the companies are (please choose one): caterpillar or Boeing Costco or Wal-Mart coca cola or McDonalds Harley Davidson or general motors’ or Chrysler apple or Hewlett Packard the 10 strategic operations management decisions are: goods and service design quality process design location selection layout design human resources and job design supply chain management inventory scheduling maintenance

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McDonalds Operations Management Executive Summary McDonald is a leading outlet for fast foods it has several branches in different parts of the world it is estimated that the company which was started ... blur-text-image
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