Brief description of why the author should be listened to (why do we care what they have to say, from what context are they writing,
Brief description of why the author should be listened to (why do we care what they have to say, from what context are they writing, why they matter, have they been successful)
• Brief personal opinion of the relevance of the material to leadership
• Can you see a chance to use the content to your advantage as a leader
• A golden nugget is the direct application of what is written that you can instantly apply to your leadership role/situation, apply with others you are mentoring on leadership, or can put in your tool box for later application.
• Clear, concise analysis of which theories were demonstrated in the book (if any were) – what lead you to this connection from the book (written material to theory)
• Were there things you related to from the book that you can internalize for your own leadership philosophy you must have the book another to do the book report the title of the book: strengths based leadership,
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Strength Based Leadership Strengths Based on Leadership written by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie is New York Times bestselling book The authors Barry Conchie are a consultant and both authors have been t...Get Instant Access with AI-Powered Solutions
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