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Build a form with two input elements and at least one button One input element is to get user's name The other input element


Build a form with two input elements and at least one button One input element is to get user's name The other input element is to get user's password Build a table that holds the following columns: id, name, password, birthday, gender Build a login form meeting the requirements as follows: -Verify all the inputs from the login page. If the input value is not allowed you will give a message to the user. - E.g. "username": the sequence of a-z, A-Z,','- "password": the sequence of digits "login" button Build a register form meeting the requirements as follows: Verify all the inputs from the login page. If the input value is not allowed you will give a message to the user. - E.g. . - (1)"Username": the sequence of a-z, A-Z, -' (format verification required) (2)"Password": the sequence of digits (format verification required) (3) "Confirm Password": the sequence of digits. Only if the user input the same sequence of digits as password1. (format verification required) (4) "Birthday": the format is as "yyyy-mm-dd" (format verification required) type in the date or use a date picker plugin (5)"Gender": the form provides with two radio elements in one group. (6) "grade": the form provides with a select element which has four options: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior (7)"major": a select element (8) "class": a select element (9) "email": (format verification required) (10)"hobbies": the form provides with some checkbox elements in one group Two buttons: one is "Register", the other is "Cancel"

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