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Choose a product or service provider. Describe the provider: 1. Go and see the provider. Observe the product/service work being done. 2. Draw a simple

Choose a product or service provider.

Describe the provider:

1. Go and see the provider. Observe the product/service work being done.

2. Draw a simple process map describing the sequence of at least a few work step being done.

3. Describe some of the transformational activities that you observe. What inputs did you see being transformed into what outputs?

4. What type of KPI’s could be used to measure the performance of this product/service provider? Your resources may include:

• Your own personal experience

• A restaurant

• A dry cleaner

• An oil change shop

• Any shop that you can personally observe do not cut and paste from any source, except for brief quotations that are properly cited.

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Value Chain 1 Looking at a typical restaurant there are several services that are observed to be taking place There are a chain of activities involved ... blur-text-image
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